chemo therapy operationCategoriesCBD Oil

Which Is Better for Treating Cancer THC or CBD?

Cannabis has been studied as a potential treatment for cancer, specifically brain cancer. Cannabinoids can be found in cannabis plants, and they are what gives marijuana its psychoactive effects.

One of these cannabinoids is CBD, which affects how your immune system functions and also treats inflammation. With this information, it’s easy to see how CBD could help with the treatment of cancer cells. A lot of people who suffer from cancer find that cannabis helps them with their symptoms. The question is, can cannabis be a cure for cancer?

It has been shown to have anti-tumor effects on some cancers. It can also help patients with chemotherapy by easing nausea and vomiting which are common side effects of the treatment. Cannabis can also help reduce pain, muscle spasms, anxiety, and insomnia, all of which are common among cancer patients.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology found that there was no connection between smoking marijuana and developing lung cancer. This is because marijuana contains cannabinoids like THC and CBD that act as anti-inflammatory agents to reduce the damage caused by cigarette smoke. If you are curious regarding which is better for treating cancer THC or CBD? Then this is the place for you.

History of Cannabis

Cannabis is a plant that has been used for recreational and medical purposes for thousands of years. Data on the plant and its compounds can be traced back to ancient China, Persia, and India. It’s important to note that marijuana is not a single drug – it’s actually made up of more than 100 different chemicals called cannabinoids. Each cannabinoid offers a different effect on the human body.

The connection between cancer and cannabis use was first reported in 1974 when two scientists from Virginia Commonwealth University concluded that THC had anti-tumor properties. Some studies have found that smoking marijuana may increase the risk of lung cancer by as much as 20%. However, some evidence suggests that smoking marijuana may actually decrease the likelihood of developing cancerous tumors by making cells more receptive to mutagenic

How to Make CBD Oil

CBD Review for Cancer Treatment

CBD, or cannabidiol, is not THC. CBD is a cannabinoid that does not have the psychoactive properties of THC. That’s why it’s being used to help people with certain medical conditions, including cancer patients. CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is a cannabinoid found in cannabis that doesn’t produce the psychoactive effects of THC. It is used for medical treatments like cancer and seizures. CBD has been found to help with many issues like epilepsy, cancer, anxiety, and depression. CBD can also help with pain management and inflammation.

CBD has the following benefits:

  • Potent antioxidant – CBD is a potent antioxidant that can scavenge free radicals involved in oxidative stress-related diseases.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties – CBD blocks cytokines that are responsible for inflammation.
  • Analgesic properties – CBD has powerful analgesic properties which can be used to reduce pain.
  • Antiemetic properties – it helps people who suffer from nausea or vomiting caused by chemotherapy or other drugs.

There are many reasons why CBD might have the potential to be an effective cancer treatment. These include its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer properties. However, the most important factor currently seems to be how it interacts with certain chemotherapy treatments. CBD can reduce nausea and vomiting during chemotherapy treatment which means patients are more likely to continue with their doses of chemo drugs. This improves their chances of recovery because they are less likely to develop drug resistance after this type of treatment.

THC Review for Cancer Treatment

Cannabis THC is a plant that has been used for centuries for therapeutic and recreational purposes. The use of cannabis to treat cancer started with a 1964 study of glioma, which showed: “intraperitoneal injections of living cannabis extract, at the rate of 200 mg per kilo for four consecutive days…produced a temporary remission in all but one animal examined.” The medical benefits are not only present when it comes to cancer.

Cannabis has been found to be an effective treatment for various conditions. In patients with epilepsy, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, and many more will benefit from it. The cannabinoids in cannabis can be used in many different ways. The most common form is smoking the flowers or leaves that contain THC.

THC helps in eliminating any type of tumor that may arise because it has anti-tumor effects that inhibit cell growth and promote apoptosis. It can also help with other types of cancers such as lung, brain, pancreas, leukemia, prostate, breast, and colon cancer. There is evidence to suggest that cannabis can be an effective therapeutic agent for these conditions because it has anti-cancer properties including anti-tumor effects. The use of cannabinoids in cancer treatment has been reviewed in recent years because of the increasing evidence that it is effective in reducing tumor growth. Cannabinoids are a group of chemicals that are found in the cannabis plant.

The primary chemical in cannabis that has medicinal value is called tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC for short. It is found only in female plants. THC does not cause the eerie feeling associated with cannabis or marijuana use because it does not affect receptors that are responsible for feelings of euphoria and relaxation. If we take into account all of these factors, it becomes clear that there’s more to this side of the equation than just anecdotal evidence and anecdotal evidence alone should not be enough to justify any medical use case

Major Differences Between CBD and THC

There are differences between CBD and THC. Here are some of the differences:

  • CBD does not have the psychoactive property of THC.
  • CBD does not affect the movement of cannabinoids in the body.
  • CBD can’t be absorbed by the body. It’s absorbed through the intestines.
  • CBD’s effects can be felt in the bloodstream but not the bloodstream. CBD does not cross the blood-brain barrier and it can’t get into the brain.
  • THC can get into the bloodstream, and this is called direct ingestion of THC.
  • When people ingest THC, it is broken down in the liver and the THC can then get into the bloodstream.
  • THC can get into the brain, which is why it’s often given to people suffering from anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia.

Which One is More Effective for Cancer Treatment?

To figure out which one is more effective for cancer treatment, we need to first figure out the type of cancer. There are 2 types of cancer that can be treated with cannabis/marijuana- that are:

Cancer (of the brain, cervix, rectum, breast, colon, lung, head and neck, pancreas, prostate, bladder, thyroid, kidneys, and skin) Cancer (cancer of the anus, breasts, prostate, kidney, liver, lung, stomach, bladder, stomach, thyroid, liver, nerve, skin, pancreas, bladder, pancreas, thyroid, liver and stomach). Cannabis in conjunction with cannabis oil can be effective in treating cancer. Cannabidiol oil (CBD) is one of the cannabinoid compounds which can be effective in the treatment of cancer.

woman suffering from cancer

Which Is Better for Chemo Pain Relief?

Since the types of Cannabis that are grown have quite a different THC content (high THC) and CBD content (high CBD), when comparing CBD and THC, you want to consider the CBD portion of the equation.  Studies do suggest that cannabis (including CBD) is effective in reducing cancer pain, and cancer death, but only THC has the potent anti-tumor effect – this has been proven in both animal and human studies.

Due to the fact that THC is a more potent cannabis compound and can cross the blood-brain barrier and therefore reach into the brain, it has more of an effect on the central nervous system and on the seizure receptors in the brain.

How Does CBD Work to Relieve Cancer Symptoms?

The miracle compound CBD acts in a few ways to treat cancer:

  • Antagonists of cancer cell death
  • Stimulates the immune system
  • Acts as an analgesic
  • Soothes cancer pain
  • Increases appetite
  • Treats nausea and vomiting
  • Decreases production of the adrenal stress hormone cortisol

CBD and its main chemical are called cannabidiol (CBD). CBD is usually known as an organic compound, but it is not marijuana. This is because hemp is not marijuana.

Does CBD Actually Work?

The answer to that question is usually a big YES because this could mean that the physician may have found a cure. However, it is not always that easy, so what do we do to make sure that we are getting the best possible treatment?  The best course of action is to do a little research.

researchers at the office debating

How Does THC Work to Relieve Cancer Symptoms?

THC can block a receptor on the cells that cancer cells need for growth. THC also relieves pain and other negative side effects that may prevent the body from fighting off cancer cells. THC’s ability to turn off cancer cells is what makes THC effective in fighting cancer. So, is THC better than CBD? In theory, they both work the same to ease cancer symptoms.

However, CBD can be toxic to cancer cells and make them behave more like healthy cells. However, in its natural form, CBD is more manageable to the body than THC. One thing to note about CBD is that some studies show that CBD may be over 300 times more effective than THC. Studies show that CBD may be the best way to beat the side effects of THC.

Which Is More Effective for Cancer Treatment?

However, one thing that should be mentioned is that CBD does not let cancer cells live in the body and also helps cancer cells to release proteins that can kill the tumor cells. THC on the other hand kills cancer cells. These two cannabinoids work together for different effects.  CBD will promote blood flow and also help the cancer cells to release toxins.

This will make the tumor cells die and remove the cancer cells from the body. As well as acts as a painkiller and also increases the immune system. This will fight against cancer. However, THC will control and reduce the metabolism of the cancer cells as well as make the cancer cells release another toxin called a small peptide that is produced by cancer cells.

However, when it comes to having better effects for pain relief and the best medicinal cannabis for cancer treatment can be used in combination with other cannabis like CBD or THC. Both of these CBD products have similar effects on the system that can be used with food, drink, and regular medications. Cancer cells that have killed our good cells also have also killed our body’s normal cells which is why this effect of THC and CBD can be seen on cancer cells and also normal cells.

Some of the medical marijuana strains also contain THC.  CBD and THC have little to no effects on other people if they are not under the influence of this chemical or any of the THC or CBD other than the effects of cannabinoids on cancer cells. The same goes for CBD and THC on other people. These effects can last for up to 10 hours after consuming this chemical.

Key Takeaways!

To sum up all the above-given contents, there are many different cannabinoids found in marijuana, but THC and CBD are the most common. While both of these compounds have been shown to help with various illnesses, including cancer, there is still a lot of controversy surrounding them. Both THC and CBD have been shown to provide cancer-fighting properties, but the best treatment for your specific type of cancer will depend on your medical history.

If there is someone around you who is suffering from any form of cancer, contact the doctors soon so they can guide them towards the best possible outcome. In this article, we’ve discussed the benefits of medical cannabis, CBD as well as THC and how they can be used to treat cancer. We hope you enjoyed it! If you are looking to get your hands on THC or CBD, check out the Truemoola catalog and kick cancer’s butt!

legal ruling for cbdCategoriesCBD Oil

Which States Is CBD Oil Legal?

CBD is the acronym for Cannabidiol, a compound found in cannabis. CBD is one of over 100 compounds found in cannabis that belong to a class of ingredients called cannabinoids; it’s the major non-psychoactive component of Cannabis sativa. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD does not cause any sort of additives and actually counters some effects associated with THC including anxiety, paranoia, tiredness, and various forms of pain. There are many products related to CBD, such as medicines and oils.

CBD products can help you achieve a better quality of life. Many people use CBD tinctures, oils, and edibles to treat pain, balance moods, and increase relaxation. As it is a compound that has been derived from the Hemp plant, also known as Cannabis Sativa L. Although it’s extracted from the same plant as marijuana, CBD contains no THC whatsoever – which means it will not produce a psychoactive effect or change a person’s state of mind. Instead, CBD works by binding to certain receptors in your body and regulating neurotransmitters. This can have a variety of positive effects on your health and wellbeing.

The use of CBD oil for medicinal purposes is not new. Its popularity has increased over the years as studies have proven that it can be used to treat numerous ailments and diseases. There is no doubt that this oil helps with pain management, but it may also be used to alleviate insomnia and several other conditions. This is the main reason why CBD oil is becoming more and more popular with people looking to manage pain, anxiety, and other ailments. Since it is CBD-related, is it ok to buy it? Which states is CBD oil legal? Well, don’t worry because we have got all the answers regarding the legalization of CBD oil.

The Legalization of CBD Oil

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil has become a popular and effective natural remedy and is therefore legal in most states and countries. CBD is a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis that possesses significant health benefits without producing euphoric instances or any of the unpleasant side effects typically associated with marijuana. But what do we know about the legalization of CBD oil in the United States, well as we all know Hemp is defined as cannabis with less than 0.3% THC by dry weight.

So, in 2014, the Farm Bill legalized the cultivation of hemp for research purposes in states that permit it. In 2015, several new states began growing hemp. In 2017 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell introduced a bill to legalize hemp as an agricultural commodity. The law is highly fixated on hemp within state guidelines.

Moreover, to be specific CBD oil, in particular, is a product derived from the cannabis Sativa plant. It has been used by people for centuries as a pain reliever and cure for diseases. In fact, it was also used as medicine in ancient China and Egypt. However, the use of CBD oil has not been legalized in all states of the USA. With this article, we hope to throw some light on how legal it really is and whether you can buy CBD oil online or not.

If you want to know in what state CBD oil is legal then follow along with this list:

iconic location in California


California is a state in the USA that has the 3rd-largest gross domestic product, accounting for about 10% of US GDP. The state’s diverse geography ranges from the Pacific coast to the Sierra Nevada mountains, and from desert to semiarid grassland. It is known for being a haven for creative types.

A popular destination among artists and musicians, California has long been a place where people of all walks of life come to pursue their dreams, however there is more that makes California special and that is the legalization of CBD oil. A sweeping change to California law has made it legal for all adults 21 and older to purchase CBD oil.

The new 2018 Farm Bill removed industrial hemp from the Controlled Substances Act, making CBD products legal to sell across the state. Ironically, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers CBD products as a food supplement, which means they cannot be sold in any retail stores. To purchase these products, you must go online or find a local retailer that offers them. Buying CBD products is legal in California.

What should be noted is that CBD oil products are not FDA approved and there could be some issues with the legality and quality of these products. The products that contain THC, aren’t allowed to be sold in stores unless they have a medical marijuana card attached to them. Moreover, it is not currently regulated by the state’s cannabis regulatory agency, meaning that there are no official guidelines.

iconic location in Colorado


Colorado is a state of the United States of America, located in the Western region of the country. The Rocky Mountains dominate the landscape, which has led this area to be nicknamed “The Centennial State”. Colorado is bordered by Wyoming to the north, Nebraska to the northeast, Kansas to the east, Oklahoma to its southeast side. Its southern border with New Mexico is partly defined by the 103rd meridian west.

The Continental Divide of North America runs along a line passing through Colorado. The state of Colorado has a lot to offer, especially outdoor enthusiasts. Whether you are looking for something quick and fun or the kind of adventure that will take you hours, this state is bound to have what you are looking for. Not just that it also can provide the buyers a legalized permit to buy CBD oil while staying under the governmental guidelines.

CBD oil is legal in Colorado. But there are still questions about its effectiveness, safety, and legitimacy. There’s no denying the popularity of cannabidiol — aka CBD — has soared in recent years. And with that rise, so has public interest in knowing where to buy it, and what are the limitations in using it, and whether or not it will get you out of control (the answer is no). One misconception about CBD is that it’s derived from marijuana.

In November 2018, Colorado voters approved Amendment X, permitting the use of medical cannabis products by patients who have been diagnosed with qualifying conditions. In addition to medical cannabis products, Colorado also allows for the legal purchase of consumer cannabis goods and accessories. The first recreational marijuana dispensaries opened in January 2014. Since then, Colorado has seen a steady increase in marijuana sales. In 2017 alone, Colorado’s marijuana industry generated over $1 billion in revenue compared to just under $996 million in 2016 and less than.

iconic location in Arizona


The Grand Canyon State is a place of majestic beauty and breathtaking views. The state boasts an array of awe-inspiring deserts, including the Sonoran Desert in Tucson, considered to be one of the hottest regions in North America. The incredible scenery and abundant outdoor activities make this state a popular destination for travelers from all over the world.

Moreover, it is a paradise for people with diseases that require CBD oils medicines. There are legal ways to actually buy CBD oil in Arizona without the fear of getting yourself in jail. According to history, In November 2018, Arizona voters approved a ballot measure making cannabis oil legal for people with certain medical conditions.

As CBD oil has been used as a legal alternative to medical marijuana since 2016 while the controversy surrounding the legalization of cannabis is still present in Arizona, some residents are already taking advantage of this natural alternative.

Iconic location in Alaska


The 49th state is the largest state in the United States by area. It is bordered to the west by Washington, to the north by Canada, and to the east by Alaska’s Chelan, Chilkat, and Yakima counties. Precisely how large is Alaska? The entire state of Montana would fit inside Alaska almost 10 times over!

The land that makes up most of this vast country is largely made up of mountains and glaciers. About 60 percent of Alaska’s is worth the attention, however, in addition to beautiful sceneries Alaska is one of those few states of the US that has legalized access to CBD oil. In Alaska, the use of medical marijuana is legal. The state legalized pot for medicinal purposes in 1998. Before that, Alaskans had already been self-medicating with weed since 1975 when it was made legal to possess one ounce or less.

It’s no surprise that most Alaskans are familiar with CBD oil and its therapeutic effects for treating a variety of ailments, including anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain, and inflammation among many other conditions.

iconic location in Massachusetts


Massachusetts is a state in the New England region of the northeastern United States. It is bordered by Rhode Island and Connecticut to the south, New York to the west, and Vermont and New Hampshire to the north; at its east lies the Atlantic Ocean. Massachusetts’ largest city and capital are Boston, though it also contains many other cities such as Worcester, Lowell, Cambridge, New Bedford, Brockton, Fall River, Lawrence, Somerville, Newton, Taunton, Quincy, etc.

This state is made up of a diverse population with many different interests. There are over 6,000 active non-profit organizations in Massachusetts alone, which allows for anyone to find something that they care about. This is also the state that provides medical access to CBD oils, CBD lotions and and other products for valid reasons under government rules and regulations.

With the legalization of recreational cannabis in Massachusetts only a few months away, lawmakers are scrambling to create regulations for dispensaries and other methods of cannabis sales. The state of Massachusetts is among the latest to jump on the CBD oil bandwagon, but it’s taking a slow lurch. After months of debate, lawmakers have approved a measure that would legalize possession of hemp-based oil with low THC for therapeutic use by people suffering from cancer or ailments that cause chronic pain or nausea.

Massachusetts has become the first state to legalize recreational marijuana. Anyone 21 and over can now possess, use and grow weed for recreational purposes (with some restrictions). The new law allows adults to possess up to one ounce of cannabis outside their homes, up to 10 ounces inside their homes, and grow up to six plants at home.

iconic location in Vermont


Vermont is a state in the northern part of the United States. It’s known for its idyllic scenery and picturesque villages, but it’s also home to some of America’s largest cities– including Burlington, Montpelier, Manchester, and Rutland. Vermont has a rich agricultural history that continues today with farms producing dairy products and maple syrup. The Green Mountain State is also home to many colleges and universities.

With the development in infrastructure, Vermont is the first state to legalize the sale of cannabis oil with less than 0.3 percent THC, and it can be used for medicinal purposes. As of 2018, many states with medical marijuana laws still prohibit the use of marijuana for recreational purposes. However, with the passage of Vermont’s H.511, or otherwise known as S.22, CBD oil is now legal.

This is because the bill allows for possession and cultivation without requiring a license to possess it, therefore not conflicting with any federal law that still prohibits possession and cultivation of marijuana, which contains psychoactive Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), but is made from an industrial setup.

CBD oil became legal for patients with severe health conditions such as epilepsy and multiple sclerosis earlier this year. Rebecca Kelley, the spokesperson for Gov. Phil Scott (R), said that the governor will sign the bill into law next week. The legislation requires the Vermont Department of Health to set up a registration system so patients can buy products from brokers.

The Cannabis Control Commission on Thursday granted the state’s first-ever license to sell non-medical marijuana for social consumption, allowing a retailer in downtown Burlington to start selling pot by the end of the month.

iconic location in Maine


Maine is the place to be for those who love nature, as well as those who love city life. It has a lot of dining options and outdoor activities for people of all ages. From hiking trails to bike paths and kayaking, Maine has it all! The state of Maine has always been captivating, and for good reason. With its beautiful landscape and wonderful people, it’s no wonder that this state is such a popular vacation destination.

From the sandy beaches at Ogunquit to the natural beauty found in Acadia National Park, there are plenty of reasons why you should consider visiting Maine. One of the main reasons that can take you to Maine is the availability of legal CBD products including oils and medication etc. Yes, Maine is included in a list of states that have legalized transactions regarding CBD oil and products.

Can I buy CBD oil in Maine? Cannabidiol, a non-psychoactive hemp extract that is derived from industrial hemp, has been legalized for recreational use in Maine. The law states those 21 years of age and older may now possess the substance without fear of state prosecution as long as it is kept on one’s person or within reach inside a vehicle.

Moreover, Maine lawmakers are considering a bill that would allow the sale of marijuana-derived cannabidiol, also known as CBD. The bill will deal with the regulation and extra security laws regarding Cbd oil in particular.

iconic location in Illinois


The state of Illinois legalized medical cannabis in 2013, but the program has been slow to take off. Since its inception, only 22 dispensaries have opened across the state. The delays are due in part to regulatory hurdles that include background checks for dispensary owners and restrictions on how they can advertise.

The order, which takes effect immediately, allows for the sale of cannabis-derived products containing cannabidiol (CBD) but does not allow for the smoking or growing of marijuana in Illinois. The Illinois General Assembly passed legislation to legalize medical cannabis for patients with serious illnesses, including cancer, HIV/AIDS, and multiple sclerosis. Governor JB Pritzker signed the bill on August 28th. The law became effective immediately.

The state of Illinois has passed the medical marijuana bill, which will make Illinois one of 22 states to legalize medical cannabis. This new law will allow patients with certain debilitating conditions to obtain and use medical marijuana if approved by their doctors.

This is a huge step for advocates hoping to change legislation on a national level. The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) estimates that over 90% of Americans support some form of legalization, but as yet there hasn’t been enough political pressure.

iconic location in Montana


Legalizing medical marijuana in Montana has been a long process with many steps. In November 2016, the state passed I-182, which authorized the use of medical marijuana for patients with debilitating medical conditions. In July 2017, the Montana Department of Health and Human Services approved applications from companies to be part of an Industrial Hemp Pilot Production Program to cultivate and produce industrial hemp and hemp products in Montana.

With this approval, LB 151 was passed by the legislature and signed by Governor Steve Bullock on 3/20/2018 which stated that “any qualifying patient who is registered with ADHD may cultivate up to six plants.” This law became effective on 4/1/2018. This meant that from the effective date, patients with a qualifying condition were now authorized for an ID card by the state and allowed to legally possess up to six plants with just the ID card.

In May 2018, Governor Steve Bullock signed into law SB 423, which authorizes the Department of Agriculture to regulate and license certain persons who grow industrial hemp and obtain a certificate of registration for licensure. The bill also provides that the department may “establish fees for application and registration of growers and handlers of industrial hemp.” This law became effective on 5/17/2018. With this new law there is no need to obtain a medical marijuana card in order to grow or possess hemp; simply obtain a hemp certificate from ADHS.

iconic location in Michigan


Michigan has always been a leader in the medical industry, and as of November 1, 2018, it will also be a leading player in the sale of legal CBD oil. The FDA has approved a medicine called Epidiolex for the treatment of certain types of epilepsy. Manufactured by Big Pharma GW Pharmaceuticals, Epidiolex is made from cannabidiol (CBD) extracted from cannabis plants from two different strains: Charlotte’s Web and Avidekel. In 2014, Law enforcement took notice as retail sales proliferated throughout Michigan and other states with legal recreational marijuana to combat an opioid crisis that was devastating communities across the country.

In a reversal of the growing acceptance of marijuana across the nation, a Michigan police officer was pulled over for a traffic violation. He was issued a ticket for possession of less than one ounce of cannabis and his license was suspended.

The Michigan State Police took notice and began keeping track of all retail cannabis sales in the state. In 2015, after extensive research, sales records for 2014 were entered into a database. In 2016, sales from 2014 from dispensaries from throughout the state were entered into the database as well. In 2017, sales from 2015 were entered into the database as well as those from 2016 and 2017, which is when Michigan became an open door to legal retail marijuana products across the state at dispensaries that existed prior to 2016.

More details about CBD in Michigan here

cbd oil and seeds on top of the table

Key Takeaways!

The landscape of the CBD market in the United States is becoming very promising as more states choose to allow the purchase of this product. Although cannabis is still illegal at the federal level in the United States, many states have legalized cannabis or cannabidiol at the state level. A variety of factors will affect the market, including the possibility of more states legalizing cannabis, and the legalization of the FDA.

Many CBD products are already available across the United States, but there are many more states where they can be purchased. As more states legalize CBD products, the demand for these products will go up and create more opportunities for investors. Check out the Truemoola online catalog if you are opting to buy edibles, oils, and more!

woman vaping cbd on the streetCategoriesCBD Oil

How Does CBD Vape Make You Feel? Know the Effects

Vaping is inhaling aerosols that contain several different chemicals which can include nicotine and flavors. These chemicals are put into a vape pen or device which is also known as an e-cigarette. Most of these vapes are made from metal, electronics, and glass. There are no dangers of having these chemicals mix with the liquid when you use the vape pen or device, as each section of the vape pen or device serves a specific purpose.

The coil inside the device gets heated when you push the button on the vape and that heats the liquid that is inside the tank/cartridge and the vapor produced from that process is what people will inhale. With the rise of medical marijuana, Companies have found ways to incorporate various methods to meet a variety of different people’s needs that might need to use CBD oils and their products on a medical aspect.

Vaping e-juice has become one of them. This is a liquid specially designed to be vaped and differs greatly from the CBD oil tinctures. So, let’s read on about how does CBD vape make you feel!

What Is Vape? 

Electronic cigarettes were developed to have fewer people smoking and buying cigarettes. Thus, the e-cigarette was supposed to be a smokeless non-tobacco cigarette that was flavored so there was no need for nicotine. The flavor is used to replace tobacco smoke.

The Common Contents of a Vape E-Juice

Vegetable Glycerin (VG)

The vegetable glycerin can make up about 80% of the e-liquid. This is the reason why there is a thin vapor and no smoke coming out of the vaporizer. The glycerin is extracted from vegetable oils. It is a non-toxic colorless liquid that doesn’t have any smell but gives off a sweet taste. It is also very thick and viscous.

It is important to note that once processed, vegetable oils become alcohol and that makes them safe to inhale.

Propylene Glycol (PG)

Some of these e-liquids can contain more Propylene Glycol than Vegetable oil. Propylene Glycol fills the rest of the percentage of these e-liquids alongside vegetable oil. It is an alcohol that doesn’t have any odor and has a faintly sweet taste to it. It also helps keep other products that are added moist. Some people can be allergic to propylene glycol and if you are sensitive to it then opt for an e-liquid that has more Vegetable Glycerin in it.


Vaping has a wide variety of flavors and each of these liquids is flavored with food-grade additives.


Most of these liquids do contain nicotine, this is the reason why people can easily substitute vaping for smoking. Make sure to check the labels for the ingredients on these e-juices to ensure that the above ingredients are the main ingredients. Avoid liquids that have any other ingredients, vitamins, or have added supplements such as carrier oils, caffeine, or anything extra.

man refiling a vape pen

What are CBD E-Liquids Made From?

They are made of the exact same ingredients as normal e-liquids except for the addition of CBD. These CBD infusions can be pure Isolate, Broad- spectrum, or Full-Spectrum. This means, NO THC, CBD, and other components except THC and CBD, THC, and every other component combined. Different e-liquids have different ratios of two components.

In CBD E-liquids there is often a 50/50 split to create a balance between how much flavor there is and how much vapor production there is.  Non- CBD E-liquids often use a ratio of 70/30, this means you need a high-powered device to help vaporize the e-liquid properly.

When it comes to flavoring – it can either be natural or artificial. Some CBD e-liquids contain hemp terpenes that could be added for flavor. This creates authentic, hemp-infused flavors that can add to the CBD’s therapeutic benefits.

CBD e-liquids are infused with 99.9 % pure CBD isolate. This is tasteless and odorless but is the strongest form of CBD. With it being 100% THC-free, it means that it is non-intoxicating and will have no heavy adverse side effects.

How Does Vaping Make You Feel?

CBD has many therapeutic benefits thus making you feel different when using them. These have mood-altering compounds and can relieve symptoms of many illnesses such as helping with pain and nausea, as well as reducing inflammation.

Cannabinoids are psychoactive but it depends on whether it has THC included. THC is intoxicating and gives people the feeling of being high. It produces actual euphoria and alters the perceptions of space and time, whereas CBD only promotes the feelings of relaxation and brings on calmness.

However, people who vape CBD- rich hemp flowers/ high-CBD /low marijuana flowers also seem to be experiencing most of the psychoactive effects. The reason for this is that possibly the level of THC found in this flower is much higher than the other CBD products. When you vape or smoke CBD, the active ingredients that are found in the CBD vape juice are expedited to the brain via the lungs far quicker than other methods of ingesting CBD.

Using CBD tinctures (putting a drop under the tongue) is another quick method of the CBD oil to be absorbed into the bloodstream. Eating edibles take much longer to process as it first needs to go through the liver before it reaches the bloodstream.   Some users can feel the presence of any amount of THC if it is mixed with CBD. This effect is known as the entourage effect theory. The entourage effect comes down to the cannabinoids combining to create more than the sum of their parts.

Even though vaping CBD has different effects on everybody there are effects that are commonly felt by users. Feelings of relaxation, calmness, pain relief, reduced inflammation, and whether you feel tired, or alert would depend upon the dosage that you take.

Vaping Tips for Beginners

CBD can make everyone feel different things, here are a few tips you should consider before you start vaping.

  • If you are a first-time vaper, make sure to try vaping at home for it can make you drowsy and this can interfere with your abilities to drive or operate in a workspace.
  • Begin on a lower dosage and slowly build on your dosages once your body starts getting used to it.
  • You can vape while eating food
  • Use 30 minutes breaks after puffing to see if there are any effects such as feeling lightheaded.

What Are the Benefits of Vaping CBD?

Vaping is less harmful than smoking, but it doesn’t mean that it is completely safe.

Vaping CBD has many pros as it has cons. CBD Vape is most bioavailable which means it is fast-acting, tastes great and authentic cannabis is used. Vape is also flavored and has flavors that appeal to anyone. They are also available in different dosages which means that each has different strengths.

stacks of cbd vape products on the store shelf

Harmful Effects of Cheap-Quality Vape Products

Vaping is not as discrete as using oils, creams, or chewing on edibles. There are standards you need to adhere too because you’re placing the chemical in your body. Also, if smoking is banned in an area, then vaping is not allowed as well.

There are also some negative effects of vaping with poor quality CBD products:

1. Constant Vaping Can Weaken the Immune System

It is best to avoid vaping when pregnant or breastfeeding as it can delay the development of the fetuses, and children.

Depending on where you purchase your CBD e-liquid, some can contain synthetic marijuana, chemicals, and vitamin E acetate, this makes it unsafe to be vaped. CBD e-liquids can even use carrier oils that are not suitable to be inhaled even though they are safe to be consumed. Studies have shown that the two main ingredients of the e-liquid recipe being propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin can cause long-term side effects if inhaled repeatedly.

Propylene glycol when heated can create formaldehyde which is found in cigarette smoke – this is equivalent to smoking a whole cigarette. Also, the device’s coil when heated can also leak traces of other dangerous compounds that can infuse in the oil.

Also, make sure that you have high-quality vape pens or devices as overheating the e-liquid can be harmful to your health.

2. Vaping Can Damage The Lungs

it can release free radicals into the body – these can promote cancer and its development.

If you experience coughing after vaping, you could be suffering from popcorn lung. This is one of the conditions that develop when people vape using low-quality CBD. Although it is extremely rare it is not impossible. Popcorn lung is a condition that damages the smallest airways in the lung and causes coughing and shortness of breath.

This is the result of inhaling diacetyl which is the buttery–flavored chemical that can be found in foods. Since CBD vape flavors that are added to the e-liquids are food-grade additives, some of these CBD e-liquids could contain chemicals that aren’t suited to be inhaled thus damaging the lungs.

3. Vaping Is an Easy Access Substance for Teens

Statistics have shown that teenagers are prone to developing lung injuries because they are unaware of the dangers of using vapes and have become addicted to the nicotine that is in the E-liquid juices.  Also, this might also give them access to experimenting with CBD e-liquid juices that have a combination of THC which would give them the experience of being high and this is addictive as well.

This also affects their development and poses several risks for other underlying conditions that could affect their health drastically.

How Much CBD Can You Vape?

To determine this, you need to consider the strength of the CBD in your e-liquid. Each CBD e-liquid contains a different amount of CBD which then determines each having various levels of potency. How strong you want your CBD depends solely on what you are using it to treat and how often you are going to use the vape. By starting with a lower dosage first and using the vape less, you can figure out how much more you need to use to help treat the conditions or ease symptoms. 

people walking down the street

Who Can Use Vape?

Anybody who is of legal age can use vape devices. Commonly, it was a major attraction among teens which has started the rise of the teen vaping epidemic. The reason for this is because of its fun flavors and the fact that it is not smoking.

Recently, this has died down. Some smokers have turned to vape in the hope of quitting the bad habit and changing their lifestyles to be healthier. Since there is nicotine available in these e-juices, it helps smokers gradually wean themselves off the substance by adjusting the dosages and strengths of the e-liquid to benefit them.

People who have been using CBD products to treat medical conditions such as chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia, nausea, side effects from other illnesses and diseases can choose to use vaping CBD as a quick treatment when in need.

Key Takeaways!

Most people who choose to use CBD Vape juice do so because it is quick reacting and comes in different flavors. The dosages are also easy to control, and it is compact which means you can travel with them in your pocket.

However, certain areas may make it hard in terms of smoking laws and policies despite it not giving off smoking, it is still a substance that has been inhaled. Discuss CBD vaping with your doctor before you try using it as a form of treatment and monitor your body’s response to ensure that it is a safe method to use.

Visit our online store to check the variety of our products to find one that’s best suited to you.  All our products have a full list of ingredients and lab testing reports as well as warnings to show consumers that they are safe for consumption. Moreover, there is a wide variety available on our online store which you can have delivered to you in less than no time. So, what are you waiting for, come on over to the Truemoola catalog!

Columbus Ohio bridgeCategoriesCBD Oil

Where To Buy CBD Oil in Columbus Ohio

Popularity precedes research and development, and this is great news for all CBD lovers. When it comes to Columbus, you’d be surprised to know that the product has exploded in popularity and is one of the most sought-after drugs on the market. Despite legality and production issues, companies are still gearing up to introduce a range of high-quality and diverse oils for different purposes.

Why Is Buying CBD In Columbus Beneficial

Some states have stricter testing and standardization methods and compel companies to produce only the best quality products. They also have more stringent laws which prevent companies from escaping quality control mechanisms. This is why anybody buying the product in Columbus will be more than happy with the results.

The CBD oil in Columbus has been known for showing exemplary results. It not only proves highly beneficial for pain relief and minor symptoms, but it has also been found to mitigate the symptoms of neurological and psychological symptoms. You’d be pleased to know that CBD oil is great for reducing the symptoms of anxiety and depression in people.

Studies have also shown CBD oil has positive effects in relation to seizures, bumping disorders, and sleeping disorders. According to a study that was done in Columbus in 2017 by the Hemp business journal, it was found out that people in the state frequently search for CBD products online. ‘Where to buy CBD in Columbus, Ohio’ was also a top search in the state. It is important to note that this study used sales data from both hemp and marijuana-derived CBD, but more on the differences later.

Although laws all over America are changing and the stigma related to the product is decreasing, the full bloom is still a long way. However, people in Columbus should be glad of the fact that CBD is available readily.

Is CBD Legal in Columbus?

Despite a lot of recent changes, people are still confused regarding the legality of CBD in the state. All CBD lovers will be glad to know that CBD is legal not just in Columbus but also everywhere across the USA. The problem comes with the approval of the FDA, but we will discuss that later.

It is important to understand that there are two types of CBD products, one derived from marijuana and the other from hemp. Marijuana-derived CBD contains large amounts of THC and is hence not legal. THC is the compound that leads to intoxication and shows in a drug test.

This is why companies are required to keep CBD products under regulation to avoid the effects of drug overdose. On the other hand, the CBD derived from Hemp contains very little amount of THC. In most cases, this is far below the limit set by the law. THC is involved in producing a psychoactive effect.

According to the federal government, CBD oil is a dietary supplement as long as it contains THC below 0.3%. There has been a lot of research going on and some recent legislation in the state also called for CBD oil called Epidiolex to treat epilepsy.

cbd oil bottle

What Type of Columbus CBD Should I Purchase?

This is yet another dilemma people of Columbus juggle with. Many people pick CBD oils based on their preferences and their preferred method of consumption. However, that shouldn’t be the only criteria. Research has found out that sublingual tinctures are not only the most effective but also the safest in regard to most sleep and other disorders. On the other hand, vaporizer cartridges are the most popular and the most selling type, especially for young adults.

History of CBD in Columbus

The history of CBD in Columbus is very interesting and worth knowing about. CBD came to the limelight in the state in 2013. This was after a documentary on Charlotte Figi, a girl dealing with a severe case of Dravet syndrome, was featured on CNN. This girl was only 5 years old and used to experience around 300 seizures per week.

The doctors looked and tried many treatments, but they didn’t work. This resulted in desperate parents looking for alternative treatments. Research on the potential medical benefits of CBD increased, and the world looked for the product to bring benefits to the girl, and it didn’t disappoint. After this successful story, the demand for CBD Products increased massively.

Removing the Stigma of CBD

It is worth noting that although CBD was discovered in the early 1940s, it didn’t gain much popularity till the 21st century. Research, as well as awareness regarding the product, was quite slow in Columbus. This was because of the huge stigma related to CBD and its association with marijuana.

Many people also avoided this product because they associated it with the psychoactive THC, which results in a positive drug test. However, after a lot of research and positive comments by medical professionals and some success stories, the product came into the limelight and its demand increased.

Due to extensive research, we now know the differences between companies. However, many people are still unaware of how to separate a good brand from the poor one. We will make this quite simple for you. While looking for brands, you need to find one that sources their raw material from legal industrial hemp, extracts the active CBD ingredient using specialized and low-temperature Carbon dioxide machinery only.

The brand should also ideally provide third-party laboratory testing and produce organic and high-quality products. Another thing to ensure is that the brand produces solvent-free oils and capsules that have a very small or no THC quantity at all. Luckily for you, we have just the right brand in mind, but more on that later.

person buying cbd products at the store

What Should You Look for in A CBD Store in Columbus?

Below are factors which you should keep in mind when you are buying CBD from Columbus,

1. Quality Control and Standardization

Make sure to look for a brand that doesn’t compromise on quality control and standardization. It is important to remember that the food and drug authority in the US does not regulate this drug, and it is hence up to the companies to stay true to their claims.

So, while assessing your options, look for brands that can be trusted. To better evaluate this, you can look for companies that have been in the market for quite some time and have a good and loyal customer base. They are less likely to cheat their audience.

2. Prices and Discounts

CBD is not cheap, and any company that sells products at very low prices is bound to fool the customers with cheap products. It is because hemp extraction and production of the final product requires special and large machinery that is quite expensive. This along with other things add to the final cost of the product.

This is especially true for products in Columbus, where the problem is exaggerated by high packaging and delivery costs as well. However, many companies will charge you a very huge amount, so before you jump on the bandwagon, make sure that the company is not overcharging you.

3. Location and Ease of Buying

In this modern time, people don’t have the time or luxury to go very far to get their products. There are so many brands out there that they will definitely prefer looking for a shop that is closer to their place. Another thing to look out for is whether the brand sells its products online. Companies like Truemoola are more popular because they allow all their customers to access a diverse range of products online and without any hassle.

4. Honesty of Claims

No company can retain its customer’s trust without being honest about the claims. With other products, this is a breach of trust, however, when it comes to CBD, the stakes are really high. This is because any product that contains a good amount of THC will show up in drug tests and can cost someone their job and can even land them in legal trouble. Moreover, marijuana-derived CBD is banned in the state and faulty claims can result in a person having to pay fines or spend some time in prison.

So before you trust blindly, make sure you have got all your facts correct.

Despite having one of the best products in the market, Truemoola is not able to make all the rightful claims. This is because the US food and drug administration authority currently prevents all manufacturers of CBD from making any claims about their products’ ability to treat specific health conditions. This is why the company proceeds with caution.

However, after assessing buyer reviews and opinions about Their products, it is safe to say that Truemoola is upping the game for all its competitors. People in Columbus and all over the USA have said that this CBD oil has changed their lives. If you are thinking of turning to Truemoola, here are some things that you should know about the brand.

5. Made in the USA

A big problem with CBD oil is that its production is not regulated, and this compels many companies to produce it in companies with cheap standardization laws. However, with Truemoola, you won’t have to worry about that. All its products are made and tested in the USA. This is done primarily to ensure buyers’ trust in the product. Moreover, it is to ensure that the product undergoes the highest standards of quality.

6. Reliable Lab Testing

Another major issue with many products is that they don’t undergo testing. This is why you will feel that many brands make claims on their labels that they are unable to prove later. However, with Truemoola, you can rest assured that everything written on the label is true and verified.

All the products undergo testing for quality assurance. You will also be glad to know that the products have to go through independent lab testing and have to meet the highest standards to get the independent lab certification. This removes any bias from marketing.

Over the years, focus on testing has improved CBD results and has guaranteed great sleep.

7. Transparency and Honesty

Fans of CBD oil understand that CBD products, despite being highly beneficial and popular, have not been approved by food and drug administration authorities. The only thing that compels them to buy CBD products is the trust they have in the brand.

Truemoola has garnered loyalties from buyers because it has never lied to its customers. It acknowledges that the products do not treat or cure any disease and should be consumed at the buyer’s own discretion. Moreover, its website also states that people should prioritize the advice of their health practitioners and shouldn’t use the product if their doctor has prescribed it.

8. Guarantee of Quality

The company stands behind its products and promises that all of its CBD products are brand new, fully authentic, and come in original packaging. Moreover, it uses only hemp produced in America. This undergoes the highest level of scrutiny and testing to give you a perfect final product.

Moreover, the products have been well researched, so they can help mitigate pain, improve sleep and the general health of the consumer. Additionally, the product is also known for decreasing the intensity of psychological disorders like depression and anxiety. All in all, consumption of these CBD oil products allows you to live a fuller and more fulfilling life.

9. Accommodating Return and Refund Policy

It is very frustrating to find a product that isn’t up to your standards. Truemoola has been known for never disappointing its customers. However, the company acknowledges that problems can occur during the shipping and delivery of products, thus resulting in a low-quality final product.

This is why it has kept its refund and return policy friendly and accommodating. If you want a refund or an exchange, you can contact the company on their website within 14 days of purchase. The customer service team is very friendly and accommodating and will definitely help get your problem sorted.

cbd oil on the table

Key Takeaways!

If you are still reading, chances are that you are thinking of ordering CBD oil right away. Getting the right product can not only guarantee amazing results, but it can also save you from a lot of financial and legal trouble. So regardless of whether you are a first-timer or a frequent buyer, trusting Truemoola today will serve you well.

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CBD Oil for Michigan

Michigan sky viewCategoriesCBD Oil

Where Can I Get the Best CBD Oil in The State of Michigan?

CBD is one of the most potent elements of the cannabinoid family after THC. It has numerous benefits, some of which are being used to treat various illnesses. CBD has been indicated as a remarkable therapeutic element because of its benefits including anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, anti-seizure, antianxiety, and for its analgesic properties.

CBD oil has taken the medical world into a revolutionary storm of therapeutic benefits. There are so many benefits to this herbal medicine that even medical professionals, who were once against it, have now started prescribing CBD oil to their patients. Now, not only people with severe medical conditions use it but others who just want their nerves to be soothed have reported being benefited from CBD oil as well.

Now that CBD oil and other CBD-related products have been legalized in all fifty states, you should give it a shot to cure yourself of all or any stress. If you are wondering “where can I get CBD oil in Michigan?” then keep on reading!

Where Can I Get CBD Oil in Michigan?

The state of Michigan is also one of the states where the use of CBD has been legalized under federal law. Since its legalization, acquiring CBD oil or other CBD-related products is not a tough task. There are many physical stores that sell CBD oils from various brands. On another front, people can purchase CBD from online stores as well.

If you are a citizen of the state of Michigan, you might want to check the source of CBD oil, regardless of the place you purchase it from. As stated above, there are multiple platforms, including online stores as well as physical stores, that are well-equipped to sell you CBD oil in Michigan.

In case you opt for a physical store, you should visit CBD-specific health shops. Such shops are not only licensed sellers but also have qualified staff that might help you purchase the right type of CBD oil for your condition. On the other hand, if you choose an online retailer to purchase CBD from, you will have to do a bit of research in order to narrow your choices down to the best brands in the market. Once you find yourself on a trusted website, you will find enough information about each of their products.

cannabis leaves and oil products

The Legitimacy of CBD Oil and Other CBD Related Products in Michigan

Cannabis was once illegal in many states, while others allowed its use for medicinal purposes. But for a long time, the medicinal variant of cannabis aka CBD oil has been legalized in all fifty states of the USA. This means that CBD oil and all other CBD-related products are legitimately sold and used in Michigan. All CBD-related products were first legalized in 2008 for medicinal purposes only in Michigan. Later on, in 2019, all CBD-related products became completely legalized under a state-specific act.

As you must have read above, there are many ways one can acquire CBD if they live anywhere in Michigan. From online stores to physical stores and even some pharmacies now keep CBD oils in their inventory. Although CBD products are legal there are still some fine lines of legality to consider before selling or purchasing CBD oil.

The Legal Dose for THC

One such condition that renders CBD oil sale, purchases, or even used to be illegal is the concentration of THC in the CBD oil. According to federal law, the legal amount of THC in any CBD-related product must be limited to 0.3 percent or less. The law is made in light of the fact that only THC is the intoxicating element in the entire cannabinoid family.

It is neither safe nor legal to consume THC in high concentrations, as it can induce the ‘high’ intoxicated state usually associated with smoking marijuana. But multiple pieces of research concluded that if the THC concentration is kept at a strict 0.3 percent, the resulting product will not cause intoxication.

Hemp-Derived VS Marijuana-Derived CBD Oil

You might be thinking if there are any types of CBD oils and if so which ones are legal for use in Michigan? Well, there are many classifications of CBD oils based on different qualities. But there is only one classification that is concerned with the legal consumption of CBD oil in Michigan, and it is based on the source.

Based on the source of CBD, there are two types of CBD oils, hemp-derived and marijuana-derived. The hemp-derived CBD oils are legal for consumption as long as the THC concentration is less than 0.3 percent.

However, for the marijuana-derived CBD oils, you will need a doctor’s prescription because such CBD oil cannot be bought without it. Although it is legal to consume marijuana-derived CBD oil in Michigan the state laws require a special doctor’s prescription for its sale and use.

Last but not least, there are certain claims that cannot be made regarding CBD oils by their manufacturers. Under federal law, the companies are barred from referring their CBD products as dietary supplements or as food additives. But that is more of a seller issue than a consumer one, so you must not think much about it.

So, there you go, as long as the CBD oil falls into the above-stated categories, its legitimacy cannot be questioned, at least in the state of Michigan.

 cannbis leaves being grown on the farm

In What Conditions Does CBD Become Illegal?

The battle of CBD’s legalization has been a long and strenuous one. One of the reasons behind the previous illegal status of CBD was its relationship with the intoxicating element THC. Both CBD and THC belong to the same plant family and are often found in conjunction with each other in cannabinoid plants such as hemp and marijuana. But so do other cannabinoid elements such as CBDA, CBN, CBG, etc. are found in the same plant.

THC Regulations

In relation to the psychoactive effects of THC, a law was presented where the concentration of THC was limited to 0.3 percent or less in the entire product. Because at this concentration, THC is incapable of causing intoxication even if consumed in high quantities. Thus, if any CBD product contains more than 0.3 percent THC, it becomes illegal.

Since the concentration of THC is such an important factor, some people wonder if there is an upper limit to CBD concentration in such products as well. To answer such questions, there is no upper or lower limit established by any government or state authorities for CBD concentration. One of the reasons is that CBD is not a psychoactive compound like THC.

The Legal Age of Use

Another factor that is listed in the law is the age of the user. Using CBD products other than for medicinal purposes is only allowed to people that are of drinking age, aka 21. This means anyone under the age of 21 requires a doctor’s prescription for medical marijuana use, or else they are barred from using CBD oils.

Moreover, there are some rules and regulations, set by the food and drug authority FDA, regarding the farming and cultivation practices of cannabinoid plants. The farmers or producers must abide by those regulations, or they might lose their license to produce CBD oils.

But CBD oil and CBD-related products being legalized do not translate to the legalization of cannabis for recreational purposes. Mostly hemp-derived CBD oil is encouraged, as hemp cannot be used for recreational purposes. Unlike hemp, cannabis is often used for recreational purposes, thus its possession by a commoner is an offense.

What Are CBD Spectrums?

CBD oils are divided into three classes based on various concentrations of cannabinoid elements, and these three classes are called spectrums. The first one is full-spectrum CBD oil, it is called so because it contains all the cannabinoid elements including THC (in legal concentrations). The other one is the broad-spectrum CBD oil, it contains all the cannabinoid elements other than THC. The last spectrum is CBD isolate, it contains no cannabinoid element other than cannabidiol (CBD).

The full-spectrum and broad-spectrum CBD oils are known to be more effective because of the entourage effect. On the other hand, CBD isolate does not contain any THC, so it is well within legal bounds. Furthermore, CBD isolate is more processed as compared to full-spectrum and broad-spectrum CBD oils in order to obtain concentrated CBD. While the other two spectrums are fairly natural due to minimal processing.

In any case, all three spectrums have CBD as their chief component, so they will provide you with its stated benefits. All the other qualities vary, and you should choose the one that suits you the most.

cbd oil drops

What Brand Is the Best to Buy CBD Oil in Michigan?

There are quite a few options available in the market from which one can acquire CBD oil. You should only stick to your trusted seller in case you are an old user. However, if you are new to this, you will have to do a bit of research in determining which brand is the best. But you need not worry as we have a list of features that will help you choose the best brand for yourself.

First, you should look for a licensed brand. A licensed seller has authorization from FDA and other government organizations for producing and selling CBD oil and other CBD-related products. Such a license is only provided to professionals who know exactly how to produce CBD oil all while staying within legal bounds.

You cannot purchase CBD oil from just any vendor, only buy it from authorized vendors or online stores. The authorized vendors are the ones that are under the constant check of the government authorities. The constant check and balance force them to produce authentic and premium quality CBD oils.

Moreover, you should inquire if the CBD oil has been tested by a third-party lab or not. A third-party lab is an independent organization that cross-checks a product with its claims. They then release the results as per the brands’ requirements. But it does keep the consumers informed on the reality of the product being advertised. So, always check if the product you buy has been tested by a third-party lab to ensure maximum transparency.

There are quite a few brands we know that have all the features mentioned above. One such brand is Truemoola, they have been in the market selling CBD products for a long time. They are one of the few licensed CBD oil brands that offer third-party testing on their products as well.

Key Takeaways!

The therapeutic benefits of CBD oil are certainly not limited to those with illnesses, but it can also be used as a precautionary medicine as well as to soothe any sort of minor or major distress. People have reported using CBD oil to get their circadian rhythms synced with the biological clock, and even to cure untimely headaches. In short, you can use it to get rid of any stress that might be keeping you from spending the best life you could live.

There are many varieties of CBD oils available in the market that cater to different problems. The CBD oils present now have different variations based on cannabinoid concentrations and some even provide an enhanced effect. Many researchers have backed up claims of the past for the use of CBD for therapeutic purposes.

Since there are many varieties of CBD oils present in the market, the competition is tough, and some brands might resort to cheaper methods of production in order to stay competitive. It is one of the reasons you should only buy from a certified brand, such as They have a wide variety of CBD oils as well as other CBD-related products.

Truemoola is our tried and tested brand for CBD products, especially CBD oil. And just in case you get bored with CBD oils, our trusted brand Truemoola offers other CBD products as well, including CBD gummies and CBD topical.

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Cannabis Oil in Alabama

cbd oil and seeds on top of the tableCategoriesCBD Oil

Where Can I Buy CBD Oil in Alabama?

When it comes to CBD, Alabama may not be the most popular site, however, it is slowly coming to the limelight. The recent trends have shown a massive increase in the number of people demanding CBD and CBD-related products. Naturally, companies are gearing up to make their footprint count in the market. Some brands, especially the ones that have focused on research and development, have done it successfully, whereas the ones that only focused on revenue generation have failed miserably. Gladly for us, Truemoola falls in the former, but more on that later.

Let us first understand the case of CBD in Alabama. We will also discuss the most important factors to look out for. At the end of this article, you will be more than happy with the choice you have made. Keep on reading to find out the answer to “Where can I buy CBD oil in Alabama?”

Where To Buy CBD Oil in Alabama?

Despite the existence of the strongest laws against CBD, the product is still easily available. Doesn’t seem believable, right? But there is a catch.

The CBD derived from marijuana is not legal in Alabama, however, the one derived from Hemp is legal and readily available. Contrary to what people think, CBD purchase is actually quite easy. You have two options to choose from. You can either buy it from a store or get CBD from an online store. The perks of choosing the latter are that you can find a plethora of products and a lot of diversity within a few minutes.

However, at the end of the day, it all boils down to what is convenient for you. You should shop according to your preference.

searching the web for cbd products

Buying CBD Oil Online in Alabama

The purchase of CBD oil in Alabama is convenient, fast, and easy. While looking at your options, you will notice that many CBD products can be purchased at wholesale prices and in bulk. This not only helps you buy at an affordable price but also allows you to have CBD stock with you at all times. Additionally, these stores also give you access to a diverse range of products infused with cannabidiol. This includes extracts, isolates, edibles, and pet care products. However, for the sake of this review, we will be focusing primarily on CBD oils.

Another thing to remember is that in Alabama, and many other states, the CBD oil industry is only loosely regulated. This means that many companies don’t prioritize standardization or quality control and end up fooling their customers. Additionally, these cheap and low-quality products might also contain small amounts of THC, which results in a positive drug test. You will also be shocked to know the sheer amount of false marketing that these companies do.

Exaggerating claims is one thing, but lying about studies, research or the efficacy of your product is not acceptable. These companies will brag about their product and will try to convince you that CBD oil is the one-stop solution to the deadliest diseases of the world. However, there are other brands like Truemoola that will only make just claims, but more on that later.

If you want to avoid any scandal and only want to use CBD products for health benefits, you need to be extra vigilant while looking for the perfect store. You need to find a store that is trusted and offers transparency. This means that the brand should ideally be honest about its extraction policies and methods. Moreover, they should also allow for third-party testing to ensure that the potency of their products meets the label claims.

Is CBD Oil Legal in Alabama?

This is a question that almost everyone keeps asking, especially the people who haven’t had the pleasure of using CBD oil before. Understanding laws regarding the use of CBD can be confusing, but we will try to untangle the mystery here.

The legality issue can be best explained through the lens of the source. The source of cannabidiol will determine whether the derived product is legal or not. As you already know, there are two ways to extract CBD oil, one from marijuana and the other from hemp.

In short, hemp is preferred because it contains very little amount of THC as compared to marijuana that is richer in this very psychoactive compound. This is why the laws regarding these sources differ in Alabama. Here is a short summary of what you must know.


Among other states, Alabama is known for its stringent laws. It doesn’t give the benefit of the doubt to the accused and takes strict legal action against people caught with marijuana. You will be shocked to know that possession of any amount of marijuana or its derivative compounds like CBD can land you in big trouble. If you have been found using these for personal use, you will not only be penalized with a misdemeanor, but you may also have to spend a year in prison. Additionally, there are economic repercussions involved too. The guilty ones will have to pay a huge fine of $6000.

Many people ask about Alabama’s medical marijuana program and its status regarding it. It is still bending and, contrary to what people believe, has not been officially enacted in the state. However, it is worth noting that CBD was made legal in Alabama in 2014. This was after the first researchers discovered some benefits regarding the product in a study conducted at the University of Alabama. So if a person suffers from severe seizures, he can consume CBD.

You will also be interested to know that Leni’s law came into existence in June 2016. Under this, small amounts of THC were allowed in CBD oil and could be used for medical purposes.

Hemp in Alabama

The laws regarding the use of hemp are simpler and are easy to understand. After the 2018 Farm Bill was signed, CBD that was sourced from industrial hemp became federally legal and this is applicable to all states of the USA. Consequently, the CBD oil derived from hemp falls under the same regulations as other hemp products.

Furthermore, the HB 393 policy was enacted in 2016 that permits hemp cultivation in Alabama for industrial purposes. According to this legislation, companies in Alabama are permitted to create fuel, paper, cloth,and other goods from hemp.

person searching for cbd online

What To Look for in A CBD Company in Alabama?

Due to the rise of popularity of CBD in the state, many companies are in the competition. They are indulging in research and development and trying to attract a huge market in the state. But whether many brands have succeeded in doing so is up to your perception. There exist many companies, but there are very few that offer standardized products that are free from any THC. So, before you assess the brand that you want to try, make sure it has the following features.

An Excellent Repute

This is important because companies that have been in the market for a long time are less likely to fool their audience. They have a loyal customer base and a plethora of people that trust their compounds. These companies will hence have a moral duty to uphold trust. You will find them working harder and harder to ensure that the customers are satisfied with their product. This is exactly what you want from your brand as well. Another thing that counts is the number of years the company has worked in the industry. If you are new to CBD usage, make sure to opt for companies and brands like Truemoola with relatively more experience.

Cost And Discounts

Before you start wondering, let us burst your bubble. CBD, with its many benefits and advantages, does not come at a cheap price. Regardless of the brand and the state, you will notice that almost all companies sell CBD oils at a higher rate. This is justified because the extraction of cannabidiol from hemp is a strenuous and expensive process.

However, within brands, you will find some that are cheaper than others. Although cost shouldn’t be a big factor, you should still take it into account. You should try to find a brand that offers discounts and bulk offers, so you can buy CBD with ease. Before you consider this as a dream that won’t come true, let us reveal that we will be revealing a perfect company for you in just a few minutes.


People get surprised when they find out that CBD can be consumed in a number of different ways. Whether you prefer CBD oils or CBD in the form of tablets or gummies, it is important that you find a store that sells only the most diverse range of products. You won’t just have fun shopping from such a store, but you will also find it easier to find your desired product. Additionally, companies that have a diverse range often indulge in a lot of experience and are hence more trustworthy.

Third-Party Testing

The last and perhaps the most important, thing to look out for is this. Before you dismiss this point, let us remind you that the consumption of marijuana or its derived products can land you in a lot of trouble. So you want to ensure that the product you are consuming is derived from hemp only. Moreover, the companies that have their CBD oils undergo third-party testing are more trustworthy and reliable.

You can trust their claims and the information printed on their labels. Additionally, these brands are more likely to sell high-end products that will guarantee the many benefits associated with CBD oil.

young lady taking CBD

What Is the Best Brand for CBD Oil in Alabama?

If you are looking for the best brand for CBD oil in Alabama, you don’t have to look any further. We have the best solution for you right here. Truemoola is an exceptionally amazing brand that will meet all your needs. It is a hemp extraction company that gives you standardized and high-quality CBD products that you can use any time and any day.

Here are some things that make it the best.

100% Cashback Guarantee on All Products

The best thing about this brand is that it focuses on making its clients and buyers happy. It is not like other brands that only focus on profits and revenue generation. It prioritizes excellence; something is reflected in all of its products. However, if you still feel dissatisfied and find a product that is not up to the mark, you can always get in contact with the customer care team and launch a complaint. In most instances, you will have your money either reimbursed or your product exchanged.

You should also remember that you can only contact the team 7 days after you have received the product. You will also be provided with a shipping label that will help you make the returns.  Once the company receives that label, it will refund you your full amount.

The Best Products You Can Ask For

You will be amazed to know the level of analysis that the company has done to ensure its products are at the top. It uses MCT which is medium-chain triglyceride. This coconut-derived carrier oil is plant-based and helps carry the cannabis compounds in your body. Additionally, it increases the effectiveness of the compounds and makes them more beneficial. You will also feel the full effect of the therapeutic benefits associated with the cannabis product.

Other than that, Truemoola’s CBD oils have been known to induce a relaxing and calming effect in the body. They can not only be used for everyday situations, but also for special occasions when you feel uneasy or have body aches. However, it is worth remembering that the effects of CBD oil may differ for everyone.

The Challenge of THC

The company has always prioritized transparency over everything else. Unlike other brands, it doesn’t lie in order to increase its customer base. Truemoola acknowledges that broad-spectrum CBD products will have non-detectable levels of THC. it then clarifies that this amount is negligible and will not show in the lab reports.

Moreover, if you are using isolated CBD products, there won’t be any THC involved. Furthermore, with full-spectrum products, you can expect less than 0.3% of THC. This is equivalent to the federally legal limit for use of industrial hemp plants.

Key Takeaways!

When it comes to a brand, the two things that you can’t compromise on include transparency and honesty. Truemoola is beloved by so many because it not only produces the best quality products, but it also prioritizes truth. All the labels on its products will reflect the true image of the compounds inside.

So if you are looking for a brand you can absolutely trust, Truemoola is the one for you.

assorted CBD gummiesCategoriesGummies

The Best CBD Gummies 2022

CBD gummies are one of the many CBD products that are made from extracting cannabinoids from hemp plants and converting them into capsules, tinctures, creams, and edibles to treat health conditions and help treat illnesses.

These gummies can easily be mistaken for sweets but what makes them so different from regular candy? Here we dive into what CBD gummies are, what they are made of and how we can use them.

What Are CBD Gummies?

Gummies are sweets that have been infused with Cannabidiol, better known as CBD oil. There are different types of CBDs that can be used to infuse with these candies. Some of the gummies are infused with CBD isolate, while other gummies are infused with full-spectrum CBD. Being infused with full-spectrum CBD means that it includes a variety of cannabinoids and nutrients from the Cannabis plants that have good benefits on the body.

THC can be added as part of the other cannabinoids under the full spectrum mixture when extracting other cannabinoids, this component can only be allowed according to the Farm Bill in 2018 to be 0.3% otherwise it is regarded as being an illegal substance. THC is the cannabinoid that gives people the effect of being high. Therefore, cbdMD uses pure CBD extracts that they have taken from hemp plants to infuse their gummies with.

How Do They Manufacture CBD Gummies?

Depending on the manufacturing process, CBD can be cheap and be manufactured at done at home or the extraction method can be expensive to make.

To start the process of making CBD gummies. CBD isolate is the main ingredient. To get the CBD from the hemp plants it needs to be extracted. By extracting it means detaching the oily resin from the plant material.

cbd gummies on the palm of the hands

2 Popular Ways of CBD Extraction

1. Solvent Extraction

Solvent extraction is one of the dangerous methods and is done using products that are highly flammable.

These types of products include butane, ethanol, isopropyl, propane, or alcohol. These chemicals are used to dissolve the hemp flower’s terpene and cannabinoid contents thus separating the CBD from the plant matter and allowing it to collect as a concentrated resin.

2. CO2 Extraction

The CO2 method is a much safer and cleaner method used. As CO2 works as a solvent after being exposed to high temperatures and pressures. This is called a supercritical state. This state creates a purer CBD product because CO2 doesn’t contain any chemical residue that is found in solvents such as butane.

While this extraction process is also non-flammable, it is also expensive. This process is regarded as the golden standard of producing pure CBD. Reputable companies that provide CBD gummies should list their manufacturing processes directly on their website so consumers can see them. Once extracted from the Hemp plant, the CBD is refined even further to isolate it and remove all the impurities.  This state allows it to be dissolved in an edible medium such as a gummy.

CBD Gummy Ingredients

CBD can be added in many ways, but the recipes companies follow are similar. All gummies have three main ingredients: sugar, a thickener such as gelatin or fruit pectin, and flavoring, whether they are infused with CBD or not. To make the gummies these three ingredients are mixed, heated, and poured into molds.

After cooking the ingredients, the CBD isolate is added to the gummies to infuse them before they get hard. Gummies have a distinct texture and Pectin is the reason for this. This ingredient occurs naturally in the cells of the walls of fruits. Traditionally, when cooking fruit mash with sugar water this process leads to gelling.

This gelling process is the same process used when making jams and jellies. Now, this process is isolated to create an even stiffer product like jellybeans and gummy bears. The other ingredient of this recipe includes sweeteners, oils, and flavoring. These other ingredients can vary depending on the manufacturer. Natural coloring, preservatives, starches, and other ingredients are added to guarantee the correct consistency. Once the CBD goes into the melt, the gelatinous brew is extruded and then cut into cubes or other shapes and coated.

The leaves of the Brazilian Carnauba Palm are drawn on the wax of the gummies for a smooth coating. 

Vegan Gummies

Some CBD gummies aren’t always vegan. They can contain animal products in the form of gelatin which is made of animal collagen. If they are vegan- friendly they could be made with vegan-fruit pectin instead of animal-derived gelatin.

CBD Gummies VS Hemp Gummies

This depends on the legal status of CBD. In 2018 Farm Bill CBD was legalized if it is extracted from Hemp and not marijuana at the Federal level. But despite this, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) frowns upon mixing drugs with food and does not vouch for CBD edibles. If you want to buy CBD or hemp gummies you need to consider the following. Is there a CBD content and Certificate of Analysis (COA)?

Since there is no standard dosage for CBD the COA is from a third party to verify that the gummies do contain the same amount of CBD that the company advertises and confirms no pesticides or harmful contaminants in their products.

Another thing to consider is if the gummies are made from isolated, broad, or full-spectrum CBD. If the gummies are made from Isolate CBD that means it only contains CBD. Broad-spectrum CBD products include all the other hemp components except THC and Full- spectrum products will include all hemp components and THC at a low percentage.

Organic gummies mean that it does not include any pesticides that could be harmful. Some gummies are also made using sweeteners and other ingredients which are artificial.

How Do Gummies Affect You?

There are two types of CBD edibles. The ingested edible refers to the chewable edible such as gummies. Absorbed sublingually are lollipops, gum, and lozenges that are edible but not swallowed.

These CBD edibles that are absorbed sublingually are absorbed through the mucus membranes in the mouth, specifically through the blood vessels under the tongue.

Gummies can take up 30-60 minutes to kick in. Many factors can influence the time it takes for the gummies to kick in. Your body weight, metabolism, and the recent means you have eaten play an important role in how soon the gummies are digested.

Bodyweight and mass, the heavier you are the more CBD extract you need to feel the effects of it, but it does take longer to process this higher CBD concentration. 

Taking Habitual Medications – some prescription drugs can alter the speed with which your body digests substances including CBD gummies.

Digestive Enzymes – They are responsible for breaking down the food you ingest, their speed and efficiency may be affected by certain stimuli, for example, high stress.

After you have eaten them, the body then digests the gummies and travels to the level before any of the active ingredients can enter the bloodstream. The liver metabolizes the ingredients, and it enters the bloodstream and reaches the brain. Once it reaches the brain then it starts to take effect.

CBD as Supplements

However, taking CBD orally has only been proven to work in high dosages. Whereas consumer products typically range from 5mg to 25mg. This means that for you to feel any effect of the CBD you might have to take a few more than just two capsules. CBD capsules, pills and gummies are often marketed as daily vitamins or sleep supplements. This means their dosages can range from 5-50 mg.

Once the effect takes place, you can either feel relaxed or stimulated. Some people experience increased and decreased appetite. For people who use these gummies to help aid sleep, it could make you feel drowsy. Depending on your body, you could also experience effects such as dry mouth, fatigue, and nausea.

How Long Will the Effects of The CBD Gummies Last?

For every person, the length of the CBD effects differs and depends on their body. These factors contribute to how long you feel the effects.

Body Composition & exercise – Because CBD is a fat-soluble compound, we store it in our fat cells. It takes longer for people with a higher percentage of body fat to flush their system completely.

Metabolism – Depending on how your metabolism works determine how long the CBD stays in your system. If you have a fast metabolism, the effects won’t last as long. Your body will flush out the CBD faster. The slower your metabolism the longer the CBD will stay in your system as it needs more time to break it down.

Your recent food intake – a full stomach will slow the digestion process whereas an empty stomach breaks down the CBD quicker. Stronger gummies will take much longer to go through your system.

Benefits of Gummies

CBD has positive effects on treating chronic pain conditions and helps ease the symptoms of terminal ones.

The findings on the positive benefits of CBD are that it has anti-inflammatory properties, is antipsychotic, anticonvulsive, is effective at pain relief, can reduce anxiety, and helps people sleep better and rest more often. Although the FDA has not approved all CBD products except for the Epidiolex which treats epilepsy in children, CBD has been proven safe for usage. It does have some side effects that people can experience from time to time. These side effects include tiredness, diarrhea, and changes in appetite.

If you are on any other medication or pregnant and breastfeeding or have an underlying health condition, it is advised that you rather avoid using CBD gummies unless the doctor recommends that it is safe to use.

cbd gummies being displayed outside

The Best Gummy Products of 2022 

There are various options of hemp-derived CBD gummies that can be found online.

1. Verma Farms Maui Melon 500mg CBD Gummies

These gummies are vegan, low THC gummies that are only available in 500mg. Each gummy contains a serving of 25mg of CBD. Made from USA-grown hemp and recommends 1-2 gummies daily. These gummies may help to promote relaxation.

2. Sunday Scaries Vegan CBD Gummies

Containing 10 mg of hemp-derived CBD each, these gummies are vegan. CBD is blended with vitamins B12 and D3. The recommendation is between taking 2-3 gummies per day. These gummies are THC-free and are available in a variety of flavors such as lemon, lime, and cherry.

3. CNBMD Gummies

These gummies are broad-spectrum gummies. They are available in 350-1500 mg and each gummy contains 25 mg of CBD. This is a non-THC product made from U.S hemp and each batch is tested by a third party. CMBMD recommends 1-2 gummies daily for one month. Should you require more, the number can be gradually increased. These gummies should promote a sense of calmness and wellness and enhance exercise recovery.

4. Pure Relief Nighttime Melatonin Gummies

Each gummy contains 30 mg of hemp-derived CBD. It also contains melatonin which helps people sleep better. 1 gummy per day is the recommendation to be taken and take up to 1 hour for the effect to kick in.

5. Charlotte’s Web CBD Gummies: Calm

This is a full spectrum product and contains the whole hemp plant extract. It also includes lemon balm, and a botanical blend to promote calm and ease anxiety.

These gummies have a serving of 10mg CBD each. It is made from US hemp and does not contain any additives or dyes.

6. Premium Jane Gummies

The Name of this product is a reference to Mary- Jane (Marijuana). These gummies contain 25mg of pure CBD which makes them the strongest gummies sold on the market. The product ingredients have been tested by an independent lab. The bottle consists of 30 gummies.

7. Palm Organix CBD Gummies

These gummies are colored using beets, which gives them a strange violet-like appearance. It doesn’t include any artificial sweeteners that make Palm Organix one of the purest forms of CBD products.

8. Joy Organics Gummies

These premium gummies are made in two primary flavors which are green apple and strawberry lemonade.

9. CBDistillery Gummies

These are the strongest CBD gummies that you can get. Each gummy contains 30 mg of pure CBD. They are also made with 0% THC content this makes it the safest CBD product. These gummies are specifically designed to target issues such as better sleep and induce relaxation.

10. Kats Botanicals Gummies

These are broad-spectrum gummies that offer a variety of benefits. It has benefits such as increasing focus, giving its users better well-being, increasing the level of calmness, and giving relief to anxiety among many others. They are made with CBD isolates which means that they do not contain any traces of THC.

11. JustCBD CBD Gummies

These gummies are available in different jar sizes and have their dosages range from 250mg to 3 000 mg. They are a variety of gummy shapes such as gummy bears, gummy worms, and gummy rings. These are multi-colored and are also available in a sugar-free variant.

12. Green Roads Relax Bears

These gummies are infused with a high percentage of pure CBD and have no THC. These bears are made to make people relax hence the name. They come in two dosages namely 10 mg and 25 mg.

13. Smile CBD Gummies

These gummies are high-quality all-vegan gummies. Each gummy always contains 10 mg, and each bottle contains 30 different gummies. Available in watermelon, acai, and passion fruit flavors.

14. Medterra CBD Gummies

These gummies are 100% free of GMOs, additives, and THC. They are also vegan-only using plant products and even avoid using animal products in their gel capsules. Some of their gummies are broad-spectrum while others have a targeted relief. Their Sleep Tight Gummies are popular among its users and help people sleep better at night.

15. Five CBD Gummies

Within these gummies, there is five times more CBD in each of them than the other ingredients. These other ingredients include CBC, CBD, THC, and other cannabinoids that are found in THC and CBD products. Their dosages are high ranging between 25-50 mg per gummy.

16. Absolute Nature Gummies

These gummies are full-spectrum made with all the CBDs you could possibly use. Each product offers a variety of potential benefits from regulating mood, energy, sleep, and helps in pain relief. Their dosages range between 30-48 mg of pure CBD. They are available in mixed fruity flavors.

17. Bloom Hemp CBD Gummies 

The only difference between these Hemp CBD gummies and other company brands is their lack of unique taste. These gummies taste like hemp plants, so it is quite a distinct taste to want. These products are still highly pure in CBD, and they offer full-spectrum benefits.

18. PureKana CBD Gummies

These gummies are made with organic products such as coloring, organic juice concentrates, and sugar canes. They are a vegan optioned gummy that does not use any artificial additives. Dosages are 25mg of pure CBD in each gummy.

shopping online

Type of Gummies Available on TrueMoola Website

Here are the various types of gummies you can buy on the TrueMoola website:

Sour Gummy Worm – These gummies have a sour fruity flavor and are infused with pure Delta 8 THC. It contains 30 pieces of sour worms and is recommended to be taken 1 daily unless instructed by your physician otherwise.

Fun Cube – Watermelon – These are chewy gummies that are made with 60 mg pure Delta 8 THC. It is an all-natural flavoring gummy and it has a vegan-friendly gummy base. It comes in a bag of 10 pieces of delicious watermelon gummy chews. Take 1 daily unless instructed otherwise by your physician.

Fun Cube – Cherry Pineapple – These are the same as the Watermelon flavored gummies. It also comes in a bag of 10 pieces and recommended dosage is at 1 gummy daily.

Fun Cube – Blueberry Lemonade – These gummies are made with 60mg of pure Hemp Extract, they have all-natural flavoring and have a vegan-friendly gummy base. This bag has 10 pieces of blueberry lemonade flavor. Take one gummy daily.

Sweet Green Apple 1000MG – These sour fruity flavor-infused gummies are made with pure Delta 8 THC. Each container contains 20 pieces of apple rings. Take 1 gummy daily or follow the recommendation of a doctor.

Sweet Watermelon 1000MG – These are watermelon flavored rings infused with pure Delta 8 THC. Each container has 20 pieces of these chewy gummies. Take 1 gummy daily or as recommended by a physician.

How To Use CBD Gummies

CBD Gummies are a much more appealing form of CBD products that you can use with ease. They also taste much better than the other products and can also give you a sugar boost on those days that you might need it. Depending on your recommended dosage, you can easily pop them into your mouth without any looks from the people around you as they look like normal gummy bears.

However, it is important to remember that eating CBD products can take a long time to kick in because it doesn’t get absorbed into your bloodstream as quickly as the tincture or vape.

Give yourself an hour to two for it to work through your system. If you are just trying out these CBD gummies start slowly. Minimize the number of gummies you take daily to first see how your body reacts to it.

Key Takeaways!

CBD Gummies could also help relieve anxiety, stress, and pain even though the FDA does not approve of it yet. Hemp-derived gummies have been proven through studies to have positive effects on many health conditions. Before considering using CBD Gummies as a supplement make sure to speak to your doctor first.

At TrueMoola we offer a variety of gummies that can be purchased from our store, we also provide a detailed list of ingredients for each product, a lab testing report as well as indicate warnings of each product. Do not hesitate to check our online shop website catalog to find your next best CBD gummy product.

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How To Vape CBD Oil: A Simple Guide

Since CBD oil and its products have become a popular medical treatment. It has been incorporated into many different methods that leave its user with a variety of treatment options to choose from.

CBD infused products include CBD oils that are sold in dropper bottles, infused in ointments and creams, and can even be made into edibles such as gummies. Each CBD product has its methods and instructions to follow to ensure the safety of the user. 

Vaping is another one of the more popular products of CBD oil. This is the most preferred method of CBD products used by cigarette smokers as it provides instant and immediate relief from mental and physical illnesses. So, if you are wondering how to vape CBD oil, then keep on reading because Truemoola has all the information that you require!

What Exactly is Vape?

To vape is to inhale a vapor that is created by an e-cigarette (electronic cigarette) or a vaping device. They are battery-powered and have cartridges that hold liquid. This liquid gets heated and turned into vapor which is then inhaled from the mouth to the lungs. Vaping CBD is made of a CBD e-liquid it is also known as CBD e-juice. This e-liquid is made safe for consumption using food-grade ingredients that include Propylene Glycol (PG), Vegetable Glycerin (VG), Flavourings, and CBD.

There are different CBD e-juice flavor which you can fined in the store.

The Different Types of Vaping Devices

You need to choose a vape, as there are many different devices that you can choose from, such as starter kits, pods, and disposables.

A starter kit or vape pen is the most basic device. This kit includes a battery that needs to recharge and has a tank that you need to fill up with the CBD e-liquid. The coils also need to be replaced every 2 weeks.

Pod devices can have cartridges that you can buy when your cartridge runs empty, or you can buy a pod that has refillable cartridges. There is no need to worry about coils when you buy cartridges. Refillable pods are the cheapest option as you would only have to replace the CBD liquid and coils every 2 weeks. Both devices have batteries that need to be recharged.

Not sure what method of vaping you should choose? There are two methods that people must choose between. The pre-flavored and CBD additives. The pre-flavored Vape Juice is ready for use. You just need to fill your device and you are good to vape. CBD additives can be mixed with Vape juice or can be used on their own. 

If you are choosing to use a CBD vape pen, here are the steps you need to take.

1.    Buy your vape with your CBD vape juice

Make sure that when you purchase your vape pen that you get your CBD vape e-juice with it. Although some of the devices already have pre-installed e-juices it is best to get extras especially if it is your first time trying the vape.

2.    Fill the device with the e-liquid

If your vaporizer is empty you need to fill it with the e-liquid.

3.    Test the vape by taking a puff

After throwing in the e-juice make sure to check that the heating coils have been soaked thoroughly. If they are then press the on button on the vape pen. Inhale the liquid and take a long puff from the mouthpiece of the vaporizer.

How Much Should You Vape?

If you are not sure about how much CBD juice you can inhale. You can use the CBD calculator to get a proper dosage of the quantity of CBD consumption. Balance your dosages as excessive inhaling of CBD at once whether high or low dosages can cause risk to your heart or liver. Clean your device after you have used it. It can become a breeding ground for molds, and bacteria if it is not cleaned properly. You should store it in a dry area.

One of the most important rules to vaping CBD is that not all CBD can be vaped. 

You need to draw the vapor into your mouth, then into your lungs, and exhale. Depending on which vape you have, you might need to press a button to draw, others can be activated by just drawing on them.

Some people are under the impression that you should hold the CBD before you exhale but this doesn’t help get the CBD into your system any quicker. Holding your breath once you have inhaled only irritates your lungs by holding your breath in. 

CBD vaporizes at 200-220 degrees, if the temperature is any lower then you may not be able to get any vapor out when trying to inhale. At 230 degrees the cannabinoids will degrade. You should keep the wattage low and reach the ideal temperature for vaping. If you use a high setting the coil will become too hot, and you can burn and waste the CBD.

Keep your watts low between 10-30 watts. The watts can be adjusted according to your taste by increasing each vaping session by a little. Make sure to not go over 30 watts to avoid burning out the CBD.

vape machine

How To Use the Different Vaping Devices?

Vaping using a Disposable

  • Start inhaling by using the mouth to lung technique
  • Begin with small puffs
  • Take 5 minutes between puffing to see how your body takes to the CBD.

Vaping using a Pod Kit

  • Charge the battery and make it is ready to use
  • Connect your cartridge
  • Test it out by taking a puff
  • If it works, take another puff, and wait for 5 minutes to see if you feel any side effects

How to use a refillable pod kit

  • You can refill your pod kit with CBD vape liquid.
  • Follow the instructions of the device to attach the pod.
  • Draw to vape or press the button to see if it works.
  • Wait 5 minutes in between puffs to see how the CBD makes you feel.

How to use a vape pen to vape e-liquid

  • Fill the tank with the CBD e-liquid.
  • Let the liquid rest for 5 minutes in the tank before you start vaping to not draw anything.
  • Click the button 5 times to turn on your device.
  • Push the button as soon as you take your draw.
  • Wait 5 minutes between puffs to see how the CBD makes you feel.
woman vaping during the early morning

The 10 Benefits of Vaping?

Vaping CBD oil has several health benefits.

1. Vaping is Smoke Free

Vaping is safer than smoking as there is no smoke and the smoke is responsible for the tar and carbon monoxide that damages the lung long–term. Vaping has shown health benefits being smoke-free which include an improved function of the heart and lungs, it can even improve your smell and taste.

2. Vaping Doesn’t Have Any Noxious Odors

Unlike with smoking cigarettes, vaping doesn’t have a smoke smell that will stick onto your clothing. There are flavored tobacco vapes available that don’t give off the smell of burning tobacco.

3. You Control How Much Nicotine You Use

The E-juice comes in a variety of strengths that vapers can choose from. They range from nicotine-free to high-strength nicotine. This means you can decide how much nicotine you want to use or use none. For nicotine, users can slowly start reducing their intake of nicotine and wean off it completely.

4. You Have Control Over the Volume of the Vapor

By using a vaping device, it gives you control over the amount of vapor that you exhale. Smaller devices like pod vapes are convenient for low vapor volume. You can adjust the power output, airflow, and coil type this allows you to decide the volume of vapor.

5. There Are Many Flavors to Choose From

These e-juices come in different flavors that cater to everyone. Unlike with cigarettes where you only have an option between menthol or regular. 

6. CBD Has Anti-Inflammatory Effects

CBD oil and its products have high anti-inflammatory properties that can help ease the symptoms of chronic conditions such as arthritis, and diabetes.

7. Treatment For Sleep Disorders

Using CBD or vaping makes the user feel tired and sleepy and inducers sleep. It also helps increase the amount of time these users sleep for.

8. Eases Symptoms of Anxiety

Vaping CBD can also help fight the symptoms of anxiety, as well as feelings of stress, and makes the user feel more relaxed. It also helps to regulate moods.

9. Relieves Pain

CBD induces relaxation to the stretched muscles, and this helps reduce the inflammation and thus relieves the pain.

10. Vaping Has a Lasting After Effect

There is instant satisfaction when vaping CBD, this means that once you have vaped for the day, its effects can last the whole day without having to continuously vape such as with smoking a cigarette.

Are There Any Cons of Vaping?

There are also some cons to considering vaping. For someone who has just started vaping or is considering substituting vaping for smoking, there are too many choices to choose from which can be overwhelming at first.

Learning how to vape while using devices that require an experienced vaper can be frustrating. There are potential health risks although it is safer than smoking cigarettes. Restrictive laws and rules, as the rise of the vaping epidemic, most people have been supporting anti-vaping organizations. This has put a strain on the vaping market and vapers.

The FDA has set regulations that may eliminate vaping choices. Manufacturers will have to submit complex applications to prove that all their products are safe for human consumption.

There are some side effects that vaping CBD can have on its users. Some people experience a mild sense of drowsiness, and this can be the result of using higher dosages or first-time users. Once the body gets used to it, it can regulate it. Using low to medium dosages can have the opposite effect on its users.

People who vape CBD can also experience effects such as being slightly euphoric, being hungry, and having red eyes.

chrome coated vape

What Dosage of CBD E-Juice Should You Take?

There are a range of factors that need to be considered to work out how much CBD you can take. The symptoms you are treating, your body weight, and how much you can tolerate affect dosages. Since everyone’s metabolism and the endocannabinoid system are different, everyone can experience the same dosage differently.

Typically, a CBD vape cartridge can contain 100mg of CBD e-juice. It will deliver about 1-2 mg of CBD when you take a puff. Using a CBD vape pen or tank means that you will be taking in more CBD. This then depends on the device you are using and the CBD vape juice strength.

Start with low dosages to help find the dosage that works for you. Start between 1-2 mg of CBD and take a six-hour break before you take your next dose. Each time you vape you can slowly increase the dosage by 5mg. Take note of any side effects after each increase so that you can keep track of which dosages are right for you. On average, a CBD user can use 10-30mg per day.

Key Takeaways!

Depending on what you are using the CBD oil to treat. Vaping is the fastest way to get CBD into your bloodstream through your lungs. Vaping can be considered a healthier alternative to smoking. Since it offers both nicotine and nicotine-free options it caters to both smokers and non-smokers.

Make sure that the CBD that you use to vape says e-liquid or CBD vape juice as you cannot vape any CBD oils. CBD oils will burn in the vaporizer and lose their potency. On the other hand, CBD vape juice is not designed to be ingested so you cannot use it the same way you use the oils.

Also, invest in a high–quality vaporizer. This will save you money and allow you to get the best experience of vaping CBD. Remember to take slow draws in the beginning stages and allow your body to get used to this way of using CBD oils. If you are looking for high-quality CBD, then check out our collection here at Truemoola!

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What Happens If You Take Too Much CBD Oil?

CBD oil is the abbreviation for Cannabidiol and is the extract taken from Cannabis Plants. Recently, in the medical industry doctors and patients have been looking to use CBD oil as a treatment for treating medical conditions that are long-term and terminal. Although CBD oil is no cure for these conditions, they do provide some relief to the hefty symptoms that come with these illnesses. But what about the effects it could have on our bodies?

As scientists and doctors have been doing research and experimenting. Let’s look at some of their findings related to what happens if you take too much CBD oil, why it is necessary to know all this, as well as more insightful information.

How Does CBD Affect Our Bodies?

The human body consists of different systems and the Endocannabinoid System is one of them. This system is responsible for several of the major bodily functions that we use every day. Such as sleeping, appetite, mood, and memory.

The Endocannabinoid System

The endocannabinoid system enables it to act as a binding site for several anxiolytic drugs and other pharmaceutical therapy agents. It is a neurotransmitter system in the body that consists of synaptic junctions which transmit nerve impulses and specific chemicals which are neurotransmitters that pass on the nerve impulses to the next nerve in the series. 

The cannabinoid has three components to the system, these are receptors, enzymes, and endocannabinoids. Whether or not people use CBD, these still function as they always do. When asking the question of what CBD makes you feel like, many experts suggest that it provides a feeling of relaxation and that is due to the functioning of all the variables present in CBD.

Each component has its own function, the receptors exist throughout the body and serve to bind the neurotransmitters and pass on information. The enzymes can appear in many forms but two of these enzymes can break down the endocannabinoids. Endocannabinoids are responsible for making the internal functions run smoothly.

CB1 and CB2: The Cannabinoid Receptors in the Brain

The two types of receptors are CB1 and CB2. The CB1 receptors control functions in the Central Nervous System (CNS) these functions are. The CB1 receptors interact with the ECB system to have sharp effects on the actions that are controlled by the brain areas that include thought processes, cognitive behaviors, and focus, movement, pain, appetite, memory, and it governs coordination. Cannabinoid products can give off therapeutic properties in degenerative disorders that affect the CNS, especially in the brain. Its anxiolytic properties are used to help stress disorders and anxiety, as will diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s.

Whereas the CB2 receptors are another major type of receptors found in the Endocannabinoid are in the peripheral nervous system and these receptors influence pain and inflammation. After the enzymes break down the enzymes of these cannabinoids, the endocannabinoids bind with the receptors. Activating these receptors is responsible for all the health benefits people have been experiencing by using CBD oil and CBD oil products.

3D image of the human anatomy

CBD and Liver Metabolism

The most mentioned side effect of using CBD products is the effect it has on the hepatic metabolism of various drugs. The liver is the organ that serves to function in the detoxification of toxic substances that are absorbed by the body through foods. It also breaks down medications and drugs and makes them soluble metabolites that are then excreted from the body through urine.

If any substance should interfere with the liver function and its ability to metabolize the toxins and drugs it can damage the liver and the other functions throughout the body.

CBD can affect the functions of the liver, as cannabinoids are found to disturb the metabolism of important toxins such as morphine in the liver. CBD was found to inhibit the demethylation of morphine in the liver, this means inhibiting its detoxification and excretion from the body.

CBD and People Who Are Immunocompromised

Another effect of CBD is that it also acts to suppress the immune activity of a person if they use it for long. More specifically suppresses the autoimmune responses of the body. This declines the immune functions of the body and will result negatively for people who are needing their immune systems to fight off infections.

pregnant mother sitting

CBD and Fertility

Research has shown that CBD has a detrimental effect on the reproductive health of individuals that have a low sperm count. The prolonged use of CBD decreases the fertilization capacity of sperm. It also decreases the testicular mass and testicular function in male individuals.

Read our article to know the relationship between CBD and Pregnancy.

What Happens if We Take Too Much?

The FDA hasn’t regulated the purity and use of CBD oil, the toxicity levels of CBD oil are not the same as using the Cannabis plant. However, just like any other substance, you could take too much CBD. CBD has been packed into dosages that are safe when taking CBD. Mostly, people are advised to only take between 5-20 mg per day. Most tinctures do have about 100 and 1500 mg in a bottle. Research has shown that people can take up to 1500 mg per day.

A toxic dose of CBD amounts to 20 000 mg but is not considered to be lethal. CBD however taken in large doses can cause drowsiness, lethargy, having an upset stomach, experiencing nausea and diarrhea, and other side effects in extreme cases. CBD does not give its users a “high”, people would consider it a better option than using medications as you cannot become addicted to it. 

CBD oil can also interact with other medications if you are taking them. You cannot overdose on CBD oil although it can pose a health risk potentially. Even CBD products that contain some THC cannot be overdosed on as these products can only have a maximum amount of 0.3% of THC in them. The dosage of CBD oils differs from person to person as everyone’s body reacts differently to CBD. A mislabelled CBD product can also increase the chances of someone overdosing on CBD.

Symptoms and Signs That someone Could Be Overdosing On CBD

There are many factors that can go into someone suffering from an overdose, even if it is as rare as overdosing on CBD oil. These factors include but are not excluded to, the amount of the CBD dose, using a contaminated CBD product, being a first-time user, body weight, and using an expired CBD product. 

A contaminated CBD product can cause an overdose depending on the ingredients used in the product. Expired CBD products can make you sick. CBD cannot kill you, but not using the correct dosages for your body can result in harmful side effects.

The symptoms or signs you should look out for are:

  • Psychotic reactions where the person becomes paranoid or loses touch with reality and becomes paranoid because of that.
  • Chest pains, heart attack or, heart beating rapidly
  • Having a pale skin color on the body
  • Increase in high blood pressure and having a headache
  • Unresponsive or delusional effect
  • Uncontrollable shaking or seizures
  • Decreased coordination, judgment, perception, could lead to injuries and even death
  • Panics attacks or extreme anxiety

By using CBD excessively, you could damage your liver. If you don’t feel the same effects as before when taking CBD, it is because people can build a tolerance to CBD oil. The CBD oil stays on your body depending on how much you take and how often you take it.  If this happens, consider taking a break of 3-5 days before you start taking the CBD again to help reset your body.

If you don’t want to take the break, minimize your CBD dosages by half until you start feeling the effects of it again.

ingesting drops of cbd oil

What Do You Do If Someone Has Taken Too Much CBD?

If you are worried that someone might have ingested too much CBD, then you should follow these few steps to assess if they have and get medical attention. You should call 911 or get the person to a hospital if they are unconscious, having a seizure, or having trouble breathing.

Be sure to have the following information ready as this will help treat the person. Give the name of the product that they have taken, the person’s weight and height and, also how much was ingested and when it was taken. If the person is experiencing any vomiting or diarrhea keep them hydrated.


Since medical marijuana has been made legal in most states it still remains a risk for people who suffer from diseases such as compromised immune systems and liver disorders. CBD can seem like a harmless substance but there can be some severe side effects that could lead to serious conditions. The FDA has only regulated one CBD drug which is called Epidiolex that treats two rare strands of epilepsy.

Therefore, any other CBD products are not to be used to treat, cure or prevent illnesses and diseases if the FDA has not approved them for medical use. Make sure you always purchase your CBD products from a reputable company that has tested products and discloses their ingredients and how the CBD is manufactured to the public. A very well-known company is Truemoola, check out their catalog now.

paying for medicine to the tellerCategoriesCBD Oil

Why Is CBD Oil So Expensive – 7 Reasons!

Many people ask the question that “Why is CBD oil so expensive?” CBD, a product known for its many benefits, isn’t cheap, and justifiably so too. Its production, manufacturing, and testing are not only costly but also require a lot of extensive manpower. This becomes even more true when farmers are unable to afford the sophisticated machinery needed for hemp production and extraction. There are many other factors that contribute to the cost, but more on that later.

As a consumer, it becomes hard for people to afford expensive CBD. They hence try to go for cheap alternative brands that don’t sell quality products. These brands don’t follow any particular guidelines, and their products are often free from any standardization or quality control mechanisms.

But should the high price be a strong enough factor to discourage you from buying from authentic sites, certainly not? Once you go through the reasons mentioned below, you will understand the reasons behind the high cost of CBD. There is a lot more to the story here.

The Reasoning Behind Why CBD Oil is Pricey

Whether CBD is actually expensive or not depends on individual perceptions. However, many buyers feel that CBD products, although very beneficial, cost more than alternative medications. But this isn’t without reason. Here are some reasons that add to the high costs.

1. Difficult farming- a challenge for many farmers

You already know that CBD is derived from plant sources, but many people don’t know that the farming of hemp is no easy process. It is not only a very time-consuming process but also requires extensive energy on the part of the farmers.

Many farmers are scared to delve into the intricacies and are hence discouraged from beginning hemp production. The challenge is even more unprecedented for people who have just recently switched from food crops like fruits and vegetables. With hemp, they need to take care of a lot of things and follow many intricate steps.

Hemp production requires a lot of manual work and inspection during its growth, which takes a toll on farmers. They not only have to spend more time on introspection, but they also need to hire additional labor for the extensive manual work.

To better understand the complexities, take the example of hemp plants that produce a large amount of THC. This amount often exceeds the one considered legal by the state laws. THC is harmful and problematic because it can result in an intoxicating effect. These extra plants hence need to be destroyed. Hemp farmers thus have to stay on a constant lookout to prevent any large-scale crop loss.

Harvesting hemp poses another acute problem. Harvesting the hemp requires complex machinery, and many farmers don’t have that. This is especially true for people who have previously produced only food crops. Farmers hence need to buy and maintain the machines, which adds to the cost. This machine, also known as a combine, is hence not used, and many people prefer harvesting their crop manually.

refinement kit for CBD

2. Difficult extraction and refinement add to the cost

Wouldn’t it be nice if hemp extraction were as simple as squeezing the juice out of lemons? but sadly that is not the case. A major reason for the high cost lies in the extraction and refinement process, which is very expensive. The process is very sophisticated and requires expensive and very highly calibrated machines. This doesn’t mean that you can’t make CBD at home because it can be done only that it is inefficient compared to large scale factories.

Processors first extract CBD and other cannabinoids from hemp using only two primary solutions. These include carbon dioxide and highly sophisticated ethanol. These two are very effective methods and produce safe and high-quality final products.

However, many manufacturers prefer using ethanol because it is a less expensive method. Furthermore, with ethanol, they can also scale up their production and generate more revenue. However, the major issue lies with companies that produce smaller batches frequently. They opt for superficial CO2 extraction. This is because compared to ethanol, CO2 can extract greater amounts of CBD from hemp and can result in a more sophisticated product. This is a major reason that some brands sell CBD oil at a higher price.

Another major problem is that both these methods produce products that contain CBD, THC, and additional minor cannabinoids and their products also contain all of these ingredients, some of which are illegal in some states. Having THC in their product is a huge problem because many people want to enjoy the benefits of CBD only without any intoxication cost by THC. This is why many companies need to further process the hemp plant and create a broad-spectrum extract. This continued refinement process helps create THC-free CBD products.

It is also further noted that some companies are also investing in a hybrid method to make more sophisticated products and stand out in the market.

3. Standardization is expensive

The development, good manufacturing practices, and quality control require major investment and hence add to the cost of the final product. Reputable companies like Truemoola don’t compromise on quality in their products and hence have their products undergo a lot of testing and procedures to find the right extract, but more on that later. Good companies don’t copy research and development done by others. Instead, they invest heavily in R&D, good manufacturing practices, and tough quality control to create better hemp products. All of this contributes to the higher costs associated with CBD.

Moreover, it is worth remembering that R&D requires the expertise of the best of the best experts in the market. A company needs to pay highly educated, knowledgeable, and experienced professionals who can further enhance the quality of their CBD product. Additionally, money needs to be paid to reputable partners for any third-party evaluation and testing.

So, when you see companies selling their products at very cheap prices, know that they are either not investing a great deal in manufacturing or they are escaping testing mechanisms. Because without top-tier equipment and reliability and quality, products will definitely suffer. Furthermore, corner-cutting should also take place to increase the health benefits of any product.

4. Marketing and distribution

Another major step that companies need to take is the marketing and distribution of CBD products. One of the biggest reasons behind the expensive CBD oils is their small-scale distribution. In many states and many countries, the legality of CBD is an issue, which is why many stores and drug companies refuse to sell the supplements.

This not only limits selection and production but also results in inexpensive distribution of products. In short, according to many retailers, CBD poses a potential liability and hence shouldn’t be sold in their stores. Anyone who understands distribution mechanisms would know that when the product demand is less, its shipping and distribution costs increase. Buying and selling products in bulk are often less expensive.

Additionally, many major platforms like Amazon also don’t sell CBD. Huge brands like Amazon impact the business and repute of such products. Their refusal to accept CBD products poses a huge problem. It is worth noting here that many products that you find online on Amazon are not authentic and shouldn’t be trusted. Furthermore, CBD sellers also face limited marketing opportunities. Major social media and broadcasting sites as well as many search engines ban advertising and marketing of CBD products, owing to legality issues. This makes it very hard for CBD manufacturers to effectively sell their products to the market audience.

symbolic items used by the judge

5. CBD companies lack governmental and institutional support

Both the things mentioned in the title are extremely important in ensuring how much a company flourishes. Sadly, in the case of CBD, there aren’t many financial institutions that are willing to take a leap of faith and support small and large-scale CBD companies. Despite recent economic crashes, banks still take a risk-aversive stance and suffer in the greater run.

It is sad to see that despite the growing acceptance and the rising market of cannabis, these institutions are still not ready to give in their support. This attitude not only discourages competition and advancement in technology but also results in a demand and supply chain problem.

Another added problem is that credit card processing companies as well as the banks that ultimately decide to work with hemp companies end up charging way more for their services. This adds to the rising CBD costs in the market. Furthermore, investors that invest in CBD companies aren’t willing to invest in research. They want fast returns, and the only way to get that is to increase prices.

6. It may all be a misperception

Many brands also claim that CBD pricing is vaguely understood and is often exaggerated to discourage consumers. We will assess this claim right here.

To get an accurate idea, it is better to judge CBD product prices relative to per-milligram terms. This is because higher concentrations are mostly less expensive per Milligram of CBD. However, many first-time users begin with low-concentration products that they find expensive. They need to realize that once they switch their products, the prices are going to go down.

7. Existence of scam artist

It is a sad reality that in the world of CBD, the existence of scam artists is a reality. This has not only tarnished the image of many brands but has also actively discouraged users from investing in the product. Like we mentioned earlier, the products on Amazon are not of the best quality. In some cases, they are not even registered with any company.

However, faulty marketing strategies help these scammers fool customers easily. These customers end up trusting the product and buying it without verification. In exchange, they get huge money out of these sales.

But the biggest problem is that since these products are made to scam people, they are expensive by nature. In the long run, such products and their high prices discourage loyal customers who are unable to find alternatives. However, before you give up on finding an alternative entirely, read ahead, we have something great in store for you.

Why Should You Buy CBD Regardless of Its Price?

High cost is a huge issue, but it shouldn’t deter you from using this marvelous product. If you are having second thoughts, let us clear your confusion and point out all the great benefits associated with CBD usage. Here is a look at some unparalleled advantages to using the product.

patient suffering from chronic pain

Reduces pain

Many studies have concluded that medical or recreational CBD, when taken in tablet, gummies, or oil form, helps reduce pain in the body. It contains ingredients that can directly target the pain receptors in your body and help in pain mitigation. This is especially true for people who are not getting better after taking other medications.

Reduces anxiety and depression

Psychological disorders are sometimes more harmful than physical ones. This is because the latter is still detectable and can be easily treated. On the other hand, psychological disorders and their causation is difficult to establish and hence the treatment becomes harder. One of the best things about CBD is that it helps reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression and results in an overall good mood. This is why many people suggest CBD intake for good health.

Improves Neuronal receptor action.

CBD has also been found to mitigate and reduce symptoms related to neuropsychology. However, the research is lacking in this area and more needs to be done. However, the FDA has approved CBD for a rare disease in children. This is a testament to the fact that CBD has a connection to the neurology of a human. However, further research needs to be done to substantiate claims.

Are You Thinking of Getting CBD Oil?

Now that you have finally decided to buy CBD, the main question arises: where to buy CBD from?. If you want to achieve the correct balance between price and reliability, you need to visit True Moola today. It is a one-stop solution for all your CBD concerns. You can not only find the most reliable products, but also the most standardized ones. The brand sells it in a variety of forms, thus allowing you to choose one that you prefer. If you want more details regarding their prices, their offers, and brand information.

Check for more insights on CBD products.