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What is Delta 9 THC – All You Need to Know!

What is Delta 9 THC – All You Need to Know!

Delta 8 THC gummies

Delta 8 and delta 9 THC may sound very similar, however, there are many distinct features associated with the two. Since the demand for both these products is on a rise, we decided to help you untangle the mystery once and for all. In this article, you will know everything you need to know about both these products. It is up to you to decide which one is better for you.

Understanding Delta 8 THC

Delta 8 THC is a psychoactive compound that is found in cannabinoids and is found in hemp. It is also an isomer of delta 9 THC, but more on that later. The product is known for being offering antiemetic, anxiolytic, analgesic, and neuroprotective properties. However, there is much more to the story.

The food and drug authority is well aware of the fact that Delta 8 THC products are circulated in the market and they haven’t been very well regulated. It has also come under their notice that the products are being sold online without any proper verification and evaluation. They are neither approved by the FDA nor are their sales allowed. This is because issues of variability in product formation, content, standardization, and product labeling exist. Another major issue is in relation to the actual concentration of THC in these products.

Additionally, it has also been found out that many of these food products are simply sold under the guise of being ‘hemp products’ this faulty labeling misguides the consumers and puts them in harm’s way. This is primarily due to a large proportion of users associating hemp products with CBD and other non-psychotic cannabinoid products.

FDA is concerned that the proliferation of unregulated and unverified products will result in people choosing over-regulated products. This could also mean consumption of untested hemp products for serious illnesses like cancer. The deceptive marketing thus needs to stop, and FDA is working day in and out to do just that.

The cases associated with Delta 8 THC

There are many cases that have been reported to the FDA in relation to the products containing this ingredient. From December 2020 to July 2021, FDA received around 22 complaints, among which 14 patients reported being admitted after consumption of such products. Moreover, 19 patients among these also experienced adverse effects after ingesting delta 8 THC products. Among the severest of these include hallucinations, vomiting, and loss of consciousness.

Additionally, the results reported to national poison control also ring an alarming bell. They have received around 661 exposure cases of patients who have consumed the product and have experienced adverse effects. Among these, around 41% of patients were exposed to the product unintentionally, and around 77% were affected pediatric patients less than 18 years of age. Moreover, among these, a whopping 18% were also hospitalized including children admitted to intensive care units. Such numbers are gruesome because it paints a very dire picture for the future of this product.

It has psychotic and intoxicating effects

Similar to delta 9 THC, delta 8 is also responsible for psychoactive effects and is chiefly responsible for why people experience a particular high after consumption of these products. FDA is well aware of the fact, and it is concerned that a lot of exposure to these products can put people in danger and can result in long-term issues. This concludes that the historical use of cannabis is no longer reliable and cannot guarantee safety to humans.

Another issue with this is that a lot of people are unaware of the fact that in most states, cannabis products can only contain around 0.3% THC. Any level higher than this can land the consumers in legal trouble. This is also worth noting because THC shows in drug tests and can be problematic for governmental officials and employees.

Some companies use potentially problematic and harmful chemicals

Another thing that has recently come into the limelight is the fact that Delta 8 THC products often use some potentially harmful substances to reach higher concentrations of delta 8 THC in their product. The idea is to provide people with as much high as possible. Although there is a market for such products, that doesn’t justify the brands playing with the lives of these people.

To better understand this, know that the natural amount of delta 8 THC in hemp plants is very, very low, so companies frequently make use of additional chemicals to convert other cannabinoids in hemp to THC. This can include the famous CBD, which is known for benefiting humans in a variety of ways. This synthetic conversion is a cause of concern because many manufacturers, in a bid to sell their products, at a cheaper price, will go to any length to break the law. They will even use potentially unsafe household chemicals for this synthetic conversion.

Moreover, some manufacturers use chemicals to change the color of the final product, thus putting consumers at a higher risk. The problem here is not just limited to using harmful chemicals. It is uncertainty that is a bigger issue. Consumers are unaware of the tactics used, and they can hence not make an informed decision. Additionally, another major issue is the use of unsanitary spaces and unsanitary equipment for the production of products. The unsafe environment can result in contamination entering the final products.

Many researchers are concerned that products made this way, when consumed or inhaled, can result in a wide range of illnesses.

Unregulated products are harmful to children and young adults

Another thing that you should know about Delta 8 THC is that it is not at all safe for children and even teens and young adults having underlying health conditions. The biggest crime committed by manufacturers is deceptive labeling and packaging. Many manufacturers sell these products in the form of gummies, candies, and even cookies. There are others that sell it in the form of chocolate. Since these products can easily be purchased online which children have access to, there is nothing stopping them from purchasing these harmful products.

Moreover, another problem is the easy availability of these products at gas stations and convenience stores. Parents may be able to put parental restrictions on their smartphones, but the faulty packaging makes it harder to distinguish between normal gummies and chocolate and the ones containing THC. This makes exposure to children a real issue.

The national poison control has received a plethora of complaints in regard to this. This involves pediatric patients who have been heavily exposed to the product. Another shocking revelation came when stats showed animal poison control centers also showed a sharp increase in the accidental exposure of THC products among pets. So, all in all, it is advised that you keep all such potentially harmful products out of the reach of children.

Delta 9 THC Gummies

The Significance of Using Delta 9 THC

THC also stands for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ-9-THC). It is the main psychoactive ingredient in THC and is mainly responsible for causing the high in people. It is mostly found in marijuana and is one of the most recognized cannabinoids in the market. Another major component is CBD. you can buy a range of CBD products at Truemoola, but more on that later.

But before we draw any comparisons, it is important for you to understand delta 9 THC. Here are some things you should keep in mind.

How does it work?

THC mainly works by attaching itself to the cannabinoid receptors in the body. These are mainly found in the central and peripheral nervous systems. THC is not like your other drugs and can stay attached to these receptors for a long time. The time varies for everyone, but on average it can stay attached to the receptors for around 20 hours after digestion. This is why many people continue to feel high the entire day after consuming THC products.

Another way in which it works is by getting stored in either the body organs for three to four weeks or in body fat. This is of grave concern for users because hair follicle testing can easily identify THC even after long periods of time, in some cases around 90 days even. Other tests like urine testing are considered relatively less reliable.

Delta 9 THC consumption

It is important to understand that different people have different preferences and not everyone ingested THC. A couple of things people do include,

1. Inhaling: this is the fastest and by a lot of metrics also the most popular way of consuming THC. It not only results in the quickest psychoactive effects, but you can start feeling high within the initial minutes. Although there are a couple of different ways in which THC can be consumed, people often prefer smoking or vaping THC. However, it is important to remember that a lot of studies have found vaping to pose serious threats to the user.

2. Oral ingestion: THC can be taken in through capsules, oils, edibles, or even gummies. All of these ways are considered relatively safe and are preferred by the slightly older consumer. Consuming THC delta 9 through oral ingestion may lead to delayed results, however, it also ensures a long-lasting effect.

3. Topical application: a lot of people don’t know, but THC is frequently found in tropical oils, bath salts, and even balms. You will also find it in a lot of lotions that are applied to the body. It is worth mentioning here that the quantity and concentration of THC used in these products are minimal, and the effects are usually localized. This means that taking THC in this way will most likely not result in any psychoactive effects. Additionally, these products are known for reducing pain symptoms and inflammation.

The use of Delta 9 THC in CBD products

Everyone knows just how popular CBD products have become in recent times. However, what has surprised researchers is the endless demand for THC in CBD products. You will hence find many CBD products that contain around 0.3% of THC. This is the percentage legalized by many states, however, some products may also use up to 0.9% of THC. This solely depends on the legality in the state and the way the particular product is formulated.

The smaller concentration does not result in a high, and some experts even suggest that the small amount of THC is needed for the therapeutic effect CBD products are known for. However, many people don’t like any trace of CBD in their products. If you are looking for a brand that does three-party testing and produces a range of CBD products, with and without THC, you need to check out TrueMoola, but more on that later.

The treatments that Delta 9 THC is used for

There are many amazing uses associated with delta 9 THC. Although the ingredient lacks testing and conclusive research, buyer reviews and experts have identified a couple of areas where this ingredient can work wonders. So, if you are suffering from things like psychological disorders including anxiety and depression, the CBD product can improve you well.

Other areas in which it can help are as follows

  • Reducing inflammation
  • Mitigating pain
  • Improving migraines
  • Reducing symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease
  • Improving sleep by reducing insomnia.
  • Symptoms associated with HIV/AIDS

It is also worth mentioning here that the FDA has also approved synthetic THC medication, mainly dronabinol and nabilone for treating vomiting and symptoms of nausea that are caused by chemotherapy and radiation.

Delta 9 THC Gummies

Differences between Delta 8 THC and Delta 9 THC

Many people feel confused between delta 8 and delta 9 THC, but we are here to untangle the mystery. Here is everything you need to know about both the products

Cost and ease of extraction

Delta 8 is a minor, whereas delta 9 THC is a major component of the cannabis plant. This is why the latter is cheaper and easier to extract as compared to the latter. This also means that delta 9 THC is relatively inexpensive and readily available in the market.

However, there is a cheaper way to extract Delta 8. It was recently found out that Delta 8 can also be synthesized entirely from CBD products using a couple of solvents. However, remember that many manufacturers use risky ways to do this, which reduces the validity of the final product.

Effects of products

The effect that both produce is completely different from one another. This is also the most important deciding factor for most people and helps them choose which of the following products they want to use.

Delta 9 is known to cause a good amount of high and for a relatively long time. It is also known to attach to the receptors of your brain and thus resulting in a quick feeling of high that lasts a long time. In comparison, delta 8 is also strong, however, the lack of research makes it a problematic product. There are many doctors and researchers who are asking people to proceed with caution. The problem isn’t mainly with delta 8, the problem lies with the lack of regulation. Manufacturers have started adapting cheap methods to produce delta 8 which is why it is recommended that you consume delta 9 THC.

Legality- What’s The Status in The States

Although the push for the legality of marijuana is kicking speed, it is not federally legal in the United States. There are some states that have legalized it for medical or recreational use, however. Since delta 9 THC is principally extracted from marijuana, the legality issue has also had a trickle-down effect on the legality of delta 9 THC. Any amount that exceeds 0.3% is not legal at a federal level. However, the states have the autonomy to practice and introduce their own marijuana laws, and many states like Alabama have done that.

On the other hand, the extreme psychoactive effects, as well as lack of regulation, have resulted in a lot of bans on delta 8 at the state level. There are many states in which the legal status is pending. However, since delta 8 is extracted from hemp, it is currently more widely available in the market.

Key Takeaways!

By the above analogy, you may have sided with delta 9 THC, and by a lot of metrics, it is the obvious choice. However, due to the legality issue and the issue of marijuana extraction, delta 9 THC is still struggling to increase its reach. But there is an equally good product available for you, but before we reveal the best store for you, it is worth reiterating that the problem isn’t with delta 8, the problem lies with companies using cheap tactics to sell their products.

This is why we recommend you buy all your CBD and THC products directly from Truemoola. The company has proved its mantle time and again and has hence retained an undisputable reputation for itself.

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