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CBD vs. THC: What’s the Difference?

CBD vs. THC: What’s the Difference?

cbd oil on display

CBD and THC, two materials of similar origin, are often used interchangeably, but that is a grave mistake. Both differ in terms of their chemical composition, their properties, their cons, and even their legality. So before you jump to any conclusions, we suggest you read ahead. Everything you need to know is discussed right here in this article.

What is CBD?

CBD is used in its pure form or in the form of oils, the latter being more popular among the youth. It is a chemical that is found in marijuana. However, contrary to what people believe, CBD doesn’t contain THC, a component that produces a feeling of relaxation in individuals.

CBD is most commonly used in the form of oil, and it is often sold in the form of an extract. Additionally, you can also find it in the form of capsules. There are some drinks, beauty products, and food items that also boast of having CBD oils or other CBD-related ingredients.

A prescription CBD oil can help improve seizures, however, the research lacks evidence. Researchers have hence geared up and are carrying out more studies to see whether CBD can prove to be an effective anti-seizure medication.

There are some issues related to its legality too. It is legal in some states of the USA, whereas illegal in others. The only CBD product that has been approved by the food and drug administration authority is the oil called Epidiolex. The approval is based on its ability to treat 2 kinds of epilepsy.

There is a lot of research being done on CBD’s effectiveness on Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, and schizophrenia. But only time will tell whether CBD can be used as an effective material in such cases.

For now, we will focus on some guaranteed benefits of CBD.  Below are all the reasons why one should opt to consume this substance.

woman regularly taking CBD oil drops

Benefits of CBD

CBD has garnered huge popularity in recent years. This is because it offers unmatched benefits and is known for its harmless and guaranteed results. Here are all the amazing benefits of CBD for you.

Helps relieve pain

Most people use cannabis extract ointments and consume CBD supplements because it relieves them pain. Scientists have discovered that some components of marijuana, especially CBD, offer pain relief to people of all ages. There is a very simple science behind this.

The human body has a special endocannabinoid system that is responsible for regulating a number of bodily functions including immune system response, appetite, and pain. The body also produces endocannabinoids, which bind to the receptors and help enhance the functions of your nervous system.

According to research, CBD helps relieve chronic pain by acting on these endocannabinoid receptors. As a result, you experience less inflammation and better overall health.

Helps with psychological distress

In this fast-paced world, almost everyone is undergoing psychological distress. This manifests mostly in people who experience anxiety and depression. Intake of CBD however, can help with the symptoms. Anxiety and depression, if not regulated, can have some of the most damaging impacts on both your physical and mental health.

Moreover, it is also worth noting that depression is the largest contributor to disability worldwide, and its mitigation is hence integral to your well-being. CBD oil can not only help improve your symptoms, but its long-term usage can also help with sexual dysfunction, headaches, agitation, and insomnia.

Help treat cancer-related symptoms

Cancer has engulfed the world and is one of the most devastating diseases to ever occur. Although there is no known cure for cancer, there are some things that help boost up your recovery and help you deal with cancer-related symptoms. As a result, you feel better and recover faster.

Some of the symptoms that it can counter include pain, vomiting, and nausea. There is a popular study that looked at the effects of CBD in 177 people with cancer. The ones treated with a combination of CBD and THC experienced a significant reduction in pain. This is a testament to the fact that CBD helps with pain reduction.

Teen frustrated with acne problem

Your solution to acne

It is a truth universally acknowledged that acne is hard to treat and is one of the most irritating things. It is a common skin condition that affects more than 9% of the entire population. The causes include underlying inflammation, overproduction of sebum, among others. But regardless of the symptoms, there is one thing that is known for reducing acne- that too quite quickly.

CBD helps reduce the sebum production in your body, thus impacting acne production as well. Additionally, it helps prevent the activation of many pro-acne agents that are known for increasing acne on the skin.

Helps with neurological disorders

Although more research is needed in this area, we have reason to believe that CBD helps with neurological disorders. Its ability to act on the endocannabinoid system and other brain systems comes in handy and proves beneficial for people with such disorders.

Some sprays, like Sativex that contain both CBD and THC, have proven to be safe for reducing muscle spasticity. Additionally, CBD is also known for improving the overall condition of your heart and circulatory system.

What is THC?

THC, although less popular than CBD, is still known by many researchers and individuals. It is used medicinally for a number of conditions. When used, it can help relieve pain and any other pain-related symptoms in the body. Some researchers have also concluded its effects on psychological aspects of the body.

Cannabis, including THC, is illegal in the United States, which is why the research on it is inconclusive and insufficient.

Amol Soin, the MD of the Ohio pain clinic, says: “Most of the clinical data we have is anecdotal evidence or evidence from practitioners in states where they allow medical marijuana,”. Furthermore, he also stated that “Marijuana is a [DEA] schedule one substance, which eliminates the ability to do a lot of clinical trial work.”

Benefits of THC

Despite the ineffective research, THC is still considered a potentially amazing substance. Here are some pros and advantages associated with its intake.

patient suffering from chronic pain

Helps with chronic pain

Chronic pain is one of the main reasons why people seek medical marijuana. A lot of studies have found out a positive relation between THC and pain reduction. One study also found out this relationship to benefit 40% of the participants.

Although some research studies have agreed on the advantages, researchers believe that more studies are needed to prove this point.

Helps with nausea from chemotherapy

Materials containing THC are known for reducing nausea during chemotherapy, thus allowing for safe usage during cancer treatment. There was a small study done on chemo patients in 2010. It found out that medicines containing THC coupled with the standard treatment procedures helped reduce nausea and vomiting and other similar symptoms in patients.

Helps with muscle spasms 

Although more studies are needed, there is enough evidence to claim that THC products help with muscle spasms in paraplegics. A large systematic review done in 2015 used a combination of different cannabinoids including THC and found out that the administration of THC helped more compared to the use of placebo in participants.

Helps improve sleep

Sleep insomnia and its disastrous consequences on physical and mental health can only be understood by people who have had the displeasure of experiencing it. It not only ruins your work-life balance but also ruins your skin color and overall body health. 

THC products, when taken in moderate amounts, can help people experience better sleep and experience fewer disturbances at night. Additionally, intake also helps reduce the time taken to fall asleep.

harvesting cannabis leaves during the day

CBD vs THC- What are The Differences?

Consumers are becoming more and more aware of the things they consume. They don’t just trust their medical practitioners but tend to assess all their options and reach a sound decision. 

In most cases, the choice is between going for CBD or THC. The former is well-researched and guarantees results, however, the latter is mostly used for recreational purposes. However, before consumption, you should try to find out whether the substance is even legal in your area.

Hemp and cannabis come from the cannabis Sativa plant. CBD is sold in the form of supplements, extracts, oils, or gummies. On the other hand, legal hemp must only contain 0.3 percent of THC or less. It is known for producing relief in humans. It can also be found in the form of capsules, edibles, and oils.

But despite these similarities, there are a lot of reasons why these two compounds are seen in a different light. Here are all the differences between them.

Chemical structure and the resulting reaction

When it comes to the chemical structure, CBD and THC have very similar chemical structures. Both of them contain 30 hydrogen atoms, 21 carbon atoms, and 2 oxygen atoms. The only difference is the way their atoms are changed. This accounts for all the differences in their properties.

It is also worth noting that both THC and CBD are somewhat similar to the endocannabinoids inside your body. This allows them to easily interact with the cannabinoid receptors in your body. Once the reaction happens, neurotransmitters are released in your brain. These then lead to different reactions and affect your stress levels, immune function, and others.

Different psychoactive effects

Despite having a very similar chemical structure, you’d be amazed to know that the two components do not offer a similar psychoactive effect. CBD is psychoactive, but it doesn’t produce the sense of calmness that THC produces. The latter is hence required to be taken in moderation. 

The legal issue- what’s the difference

In almost all countries, and especially in the United States, there are certain laws governing the intake of cannabis-related products. These tend to evolve regularly. Under federal law of the US, CBD is still a schedule 1 substance and should be dealt with accordingly.

However, 33 states, including Washington have passed their own specific drug-related laws. The cannabis may need to be prescribed by a physician. However, some laws have allowed the intake of medical cannabis with high levels of THC.

Additionally, there are some states that have made the recreational use of these substances legal, too. It is also worth remembering that possession of these materials in a state that considers them illegal can land you in legal trouble. You may also be required to pay heavy fines.

cannabis researchers debating

Which is Medically Better?

Both CBD and THC offer their own benefits. However, CBD takes a lead because it has been around for longer and has been studied extensively. THC too is a promising substance, however, it hasn’t been studied as much as CBD, so there are still some apprehensions regarding the claims.

Additionally, CBD is also known for having very few side effects. This makes it one of the most reliable materials on the market. So if you are experiencing inflammation, pain, or mental disorder-related symptoms, CBD could help enhance your mood and symptoms.

Are They Detected During Drug Testing?

Both THC and CBD are stored in the body’s fat. They can hence show up on drug tests for days, or even weeks, depending on the quantity you consumed. However, there is more to the story.

Not every test will detect CBD, however, your company or office may require you to undergo a CBD-specific test. Most tests out there will look for THC without any specifications. It is also worth noting that hemp produces THC. So a test can show you THC positive even if you haven’t consumed it.

Do You Know The Difference Between The Two Now?

Despite their popularity, CBD and THC are not commonly available. Users often have to look for hours before they can find a reliable shop to buy their favorite substances. But like we have helped you before, we are going to help you now as well. 

Truemoola is your one-stop solution for all your CBD-related problems. It has a diverse range of products in the form of oils and gummies that you can buy. The company is known for selling only the best. So if you want to make any compromises, this is the store for you.

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  1. Has anyone ever tried High 5 Ejuice?

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