Living a good and healthy living is everybody’s right, but not many people are able to reach their full potential because of underlying diseases and disorders. One of the worst things to experience in one’s life is recurring pain. It is annoying, frustrating, and hinders the day-to-day activities of people.
Although there are many medications in the market, very few have been able to produce substantial results. Here is where CBD comes in. If you live in the states, you must have heard about the speedy progress this product is making. It is making the rounds on the internet and justifiably so too.
If you are experiencing recurrent pain and traditional medications have disappointed you, it is time to try out something new. You will not be disappointed.
Understanding CBD – What Is This Mystery Product?
CBD is a material known to many as cannabidiol that is extracted from hemp or marijuana and is considered one of the most promising compounds for pain relief. The major difference between the two types of CBD is that the one extracted from marijuana is illegal in most states, whereas the one extracted from hemp enjoys a better reputation.
Marijuana-derived CBD contains a high concentration of THC, a psychoactive compound known for producing the high. On the other hand, hemp-derived CBD contains less than the legal 0.3% of THC. CBD can be consumed in the form of powder, tablets, and gummies. There are also CBD oils and creams that are known for reducing pain symptoms, but more on that later.
The Beneficial Properties of CBD
In short, CBD has been found to have the following properties.
- Reduces joint pain by reducing inflammation in joints and can hence be associated with arthritis.
- Has anti-oxidative properties which help mitigate the severe symptoms of autoimmune diseases
- Can decrease nausea and vomiting associated with radioactive and other cancer treatments
- Help reduce the intensity of anxiety and depression and thus help with a much better sleep
- It can also slow the progression of neurological disorders
- Can reduce the symptoms of migraine or severe backache.
- Helps with cancer treatment.
CBD has been a tried and tested product, however, there are still concerns regarding its efficiency. So, all we can say at this point is that the product has the potential to be miraculous, but for now more research needs to be done. However, in this review, we will be explaining the many ways in which CBD for pain oils can help with your pain management. Get ready to be amazed.

CBD and Its Legality
The question of legality often arises in regard to CBD. Many people still think that all kinds of CBD are illegal, and they feel hesitant while using the product. But we are pleased to tell you that this isn’t the full story. The US Farm Bill that was passed in 2018 legalized the growing of hemp and even the sale of Hemp-derived products, including CBD. This means that at the federal level, CBD is mostly legal.
So, if you are consuming hemp-derived CBD oil that contains less than 0.3% and your state has legalized the product, you are good to go. There is another scenario that can work in your favor. Some states have also legalized marijuana. So, if you are living in such a state, you can even consume marijuana-derived CBD products. But here is where it gets interesting.
The CBD oils that you see in the store or in the shelves of local supermarkets may not be hemp-derived. They may or may not stay true to their claims, and some of them might even contain a higher amount of THC than they promised. This is because the food and drug authority doesn’t regulate production and companies can easily escape checks and balances. Needless to say, if you want to have the best results for your pain management, you will have to make a wise choice and invest in a reliable and trusted brand.
CBD Oils Working Its Magic – How Does It Work to Reduce Pain Related Symptoms in The Human Body?
For starters, CBD is supported by the natural endocannabinoid system of the body. This system is made of three main receptors. These are mostly found in the nerves around the brain and the ones surrounding the spinal cord. They are mainly responsible for our perception of pain.
Although CBD doesn’t bind itself to receptors, it is thought to work by inducing many other components of the cannabinoid system. By doing this, it easily exerts a wide range of effects on your central and peripheral system. Moreover, it works with the endocannabinoid system and ensures anti-inflammation properties. Additionally, CBD can also work within the system and prevent nerve damage. These claims are mostly supported by animal studies.
How Should You Consume CBD To Relieve Pain – Does Application Matter?
Contrary to what people think, the way in which you consume CBD does affect its efficiency. Because of how our body works, bioavailability will make a difference. In simpler terms, this means the amount of CBD that actually enters the bloodstream of a person. Like other medications, doctors will either prescribe you to take CBD in the form of tablets or in the form of gummies for younger consumers.
However, many doctors are of the view that consuming CBD in the form of oils is the best possible solution. This is because CBD oil is very efficient and can be consumed easily. Additionally, it allows a greater amount of CBD to enter your bloodstream.

CBD and Pain Relief – What Are the Ways in Which CBD Helps In Pain Management?
CBD can dissolve in your bloodstream and can directly affect your central and peripheral nervous system. This allows it to have some positive effects on the body and help in pain reduction. But that isn’t the full picture. Below is a detailed description of all the ways in which CBD can help with your pain management.
1. Reduces pain signals
CBD stimulates the reuptake of neurotransmitters and thus helps modules pain and the sensation of pain. The reuptake of neurotransmitters like adenosine helps boost up the adenosine levels in the brain, thus reducing pain sensations in the body. Additionally, it also helps block signals from reaching the central nervous system, mainly the brain that processes these pain signals. Moreover, it binds with TPR VI which is partly responsible for inflammation and pain in the body.
2. Reduces inflammation
By reducing systemic inflammation and oxidative stress, CBD oil for pain can help improve your overall health. It acts as a unique antioxidant that decreases inflammation by preventing a reduction in microelements like selenium and zinc. Many people aren’t aware, but these act as important chemicals in the immune response system. They, along with other principal compounds in the body, help reduce neuropathic pain. They also counter hyperalgesia and thus reduce heightened pain response.
3. Enhances immune response
CBD has also been found to increase your immune response. It does this by decreasing the levels of proinflammatory cytokines in the body. Moreover, it helps inhibit the proliferation of T cells that is mostly associated with systemic inflammatory disorders. All in all, if you are looking to increase your immune response against diseases, CBD can do you well.
4. Improving sleep
It is a truth universally acknowledged that without proper sleep, a person cannot live a healthy and productive life. This is why a lot of importance is given to any product that is known for improving the sleep of a person. CBD oils are mostly taken because they allow a person to sleep like a baby. It does this by reducing pain symptoms in your body. But more importantly, full-spectrum CBD that contains THC and terpenes produces a cumulative effect that results in a person experiencing the best sleep of his or her life.
5. Improving mood and reducing depressive symptoms
Pain is a natural phenomenon and, in most instances, there is a tangible cause behind it. However, research has identified many instances and many reasons that can make a person feel an exaggerated amount of pain. Things like depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders can agitate a person and can worsen his symptoms. This is why CBD oil for pain relief is applauded for reducing the intense symptoms of mood disorders. Its regular intake can not only allow a person to live a healthier life, but also allow him to not resort to extreme psychotherapies and treatments that are both painful and extremely expensive.
6. Helps improve arthritis pain
Arthritis is one of the most common conditions that has engulfed many men and women. There are many medications out there, but many people want to try out a natural alternative for pain management. CBD is emerging as a promising drug that helps with pain mitigation. Some early studies have found out that CBD acts as an antagonist and blocks the GPR55 receptor. As a result, bone reabsorption takes place, which slows osteoarthritis.
7. Helps with other pain-related disorders
There are many diseases and disorders that make a person feel uncomfortable and in pain from time to time. This includes things like diabetes and multiple sclerosis. CBD may activate a special receptor PPAR-gamma which is known for increasing insulin sensitivity and thus mitigating the pain experienced due to type 2 diabetes. On the other hand, studies have also found positive effects of CBD in the case of multiple sclerosis.
How Long Will It Take for CBD To Work?
There is no straight answer to this question because everyone’s pain and body response is different. Some people might get relief within 15 minutes of application, some people might not feel much relief in a day even. However, regardless of the intensity of your pain, rest assured that CBD oil will do its magic sooner or later. But if you are experiencing intense pain, we recommend you take an alternative pain medication that gives quick relief or visit a doctor.

How Many Milligrams Do I Need to Use for Pain Relief?
The dosage, like many other things, also depends on the intensity of your pain and your body type. It will also depend on the percentage of CBD present in the product. You can check this out by reading the labels printed on the back of your product. Additionally, you need to cater to things like your body weight and chemistry. However, the best thing to do is speak to your doctor and get an accurate idea of just how many milligrams you need to use for your pain management. As a general rule of thumb, it is always recommended that you use a small dosage and gradually move up the ladder.
Things To Consider While Buying CBD Product
We will stress again that CBD products are regulated by the food and drug authority in the states. This is why you need to proceed with utmost caution when selecting a product. You can’t just jump on the bandwagon and buy the oil that you find on your shelves. Here are some tips to help you make a good choice in purchasing CBD items.
- Make sure you buy from a trusted and reliable brand that has been in the market for quite some time now. Experienced brands are less likely to fool you and are more likely to guarantee high-end products.
- Buy hemp-derived CBD oils. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, hemp-CBD is legal in almost all states as compared to marijuana CBD. Secondly, hemp CBD contains very little amount of THC and is hence more useful for pain mitigation. THC is a psychoactive compound that can create a high.
- Look at the labels clearly. Rather than simply trusting the bold claims on the front of the bottle, make sure you check out the labels at the back. This will give you an accurate idea of what to expect from the product. If the label mentions a higher than 0.3% THC proportion, put the bottle down and go for something else.
What Are Your Thoughts on CBD for Pain Relief?
There is no denying the fact that CBD still lacks research. However, buyers’ reviews and doctors’ comments regarding CBD oils have reaffirmed the notion that it is a safe and useful product that can help with pain management and pain relief. Although there are many ways to consume CBD, many studies show that consuming it in the form of oil is the best possible way. Now that you have understood everything related to the product, a simple question remains, where to buy CBD oil from?
Truemoola is a tried and tested brand that has completely revolutionized how people view and consume CBD oils for pain relief. It has been around for many years and is famous for producing high-end and high-quality CBD products. Additionally, the brand offers excellent exchange policies that will make your buying experience all the more worthwhile.